Beckett Lewis (RWBY)



5 years, 26 days ago


  • Origin & Influences: 

Beckett originates from an English surname which could be derived from various sources, including from Middle English beke meaning 'beak' or bekke meaning 'stream, brook'.

Lewis is a anglicised version of 'Hlodwig'. 'Hlod' means 'famous' and 'wig' means 'war'. This fits for his agression in battle and love for sparring, hunting, and overall combat. 

Lewis is also an island in Scotland which is the home of the god he's based on. He's based on a Celtic water spirit, Seinaidh. It used to be worshipped as a god of harvest. His general theme is therefor inspired by both water and the Europian medival time.

  • Color: 


  • Nicknames:

Becky at times, though he hates it with a passion.

  • Age:


  • Species:


  • Appearance:

Beckett has light dull cyan hair, swept back aside from two short strings matched with a set of maize yellow eyes. He has a pale complexion with red around his mouth, caused by the medication against his asthma. This medication is placed inside flat circular filters he can never go without, and are attached to a special mouth cap so the only air he breaths in is filtered, and the rash is camouflaged by a cyan rag over the cap.

For clothing he wears a lavenderish long sleeves, covered by a hooded coat of mail. On the sides of the hood his symbol is present. He also wears a black belt with cyan-colored arrowhead ornaments. Other than that he has wide, dark teal pants, partially hidden by bondi colored leather boots  which reach till the knees, and have a patch to protect them. On his thighs he has on one side the quiver for his arrows, whith extra filters attached to the outside, while on the other is a holder for his weapon, both in black.

  • Personality:

Beckett is a very prideful and ambitious person, even to the point he gets somewhat arrogant. He thinks most people are below him, just because of their innocence and despises people that act like nothing's wrong.

He's very troubled, and isn't one to smile often, and even less seen doing that thanks to the cloth. Leading is one thing he really likes to do, and therefor doesn't think Calfuray is a fitting leader of the team. He often gives her ,and sometimes the rest of the team too, a hard time, in the hope others realize he is a better leader. It takes quite a long time before he accept Calfuray as the leader, and even longer before he starts respecting her.

Despite everything, he still is a -very stubborn- teenager, even when he tries to hide that, and has his moments. He isn't easily bothered by others, as he thinks they are below his level, and he simply ignores them.The main thing that leads to his personality is because he thinks Remnant is corrupted. He thinks grimm control the world and the human lives on it. Even though there are huntsmen, he's convinced that until every grimm has disappeared of the face of Remnant, things will never go better. He chose to become a huntsman purely because he wants to stop that corruption.

As mentioned before, Beckett suffers from a bad case of asthma, so bad he cannot go without any sort of filter or inhalator for longer than an hour without choking to death. Because using an inhalator every half hour he uses two filters instead, locked into a mouth mask covered with a cloth.

Surprisingly enough, Beckett is not bothered by this in moist environments, or in water.

  • Backstory:

Beckett's mother died in childbirth, which lead to his father raising him alone. Beckett didn't have much to miss, living a normal looking life in Vale, aside from more attention from his father. His father often sulked away about the loss of his wife, making him very distant, but he tried his best to raise his son. His father was however also a drunk thanks to this depression, which didn't make the situation any better. Despite never being treated the wrong way, Beckett was quickly exposed to the cruelties of the world. Something he also quickly realised himself, looking deeper at his very normal looking environment. He knew the world was corrupted, thanks to humans, but also thanks to grimm. The latter made him choose to be a huntsman.

Afterwards Beckett started to mentally isolate himself from others, similar to his father(but in a different situation), resulting into him not having any friends, and even when he tried to make friends, his stubborness -and expectaion for others to be the same- stopped him from getting people to be close with him. Becket simply wanted to be the best capable huntsman, and even chose to attend Shade over Beacon, after hearing how much harsher the live in Vacuo turned out to be.

  • Aura/Semblance: 

Beckett's semblance is yet to be discovered, although he's tried to unlock it  ever since he decided to become a huntsman.

Because of both his undiscovered semblance and asthma, his aura is not very trained, hindering him from a lot of stamina.

Ideas for his semblance would be the ability to store kinetic energy and redirect it, allowing him to change the directions of his movements and attacks on a whim, but still pack a huge punch while doing so. Another idea was that he could manipulate gravity around him in a certain radius, replicating the gravity and physics as if everyone in the aura were underwater. It'd break falls and slow down movement so it'd be a lot less impactful.

  • Fighting style:

As his asthma renders him short stamina, Beckett's battle style exists of power and defence. He's not the fastest fighter, but makes up for that with his 'twisting' ability.

He has a strange skill for twisting and changing direction without losing momentum. This can count for both large actions and small ones. Examples of that is running in one direction, and then suddenly changing to the opposite. Attacks with Rhongomyniad are also an example. He can attack with his spear form, and in case he misses, he could easily change it to his halbert form and attack sideways. Because he doesn't lose momentum, he's easy to surprise opponents.

He will mainly use his spear form; occasionally switching to his halbert form for only a short ammount of time before changing back to his spear form. 

If a distance would be created, he'd use his crossbow form to shoot arrows untill the distance is almost filled and change back to his spear form once again.

While Beckett doesn't have a lot of endurance, he can take quite a lot of hits, one factor being his coat of mail, which isn't as heavy as full armor to avoid loss of speed, to weaken blunt hits as well as the impact of most larger ammunition. His stubborness and resolve to win is another factor.

  • Weapon: 

Rhongomyniad is a spear weapon with 3 different forms(not counting his pocket form).

-A spear/lance-like form:

Aproximately 1m70, this form is Beckett’s basic battleform. Usually used most over the battle, it is a simple but effective weapon. Other than simple thrusting, Iriscyan also makes use of the very strong bowstring. He uses it to trap opponents, or even us it to greaten his range.

-A halbert form(two variants):

The change between the spear and halbert form is very small; and happens very fast. As the blades on the spear change position, the length increases somewhat.

-A crossbow form:

The crossbow is a lot taller than normal crossbows, which is why it functions on special arrows made for this weapon, as usual crossbow arrows are too a lot smaller. This makes the weapon a lot heavier, making it difficult to use over long periods of time.

The arrows have dust-enhanced points, however Beckett doesn't manipulate it and lets it explode upon contact with its target. Explosion is possible due to the point heating up by the kinetic energy with the air combined with the compact with the target.