


5 years, 1 month ago




this was the name of a brave Aztec King and it means “he who shoots arrows at the sky”

or uli for short 



What talent or skill do they have that they're a master at?:

as a babe uli would watch all the other dinoken mess around with human toys. the one to catch her eye was a simple circle, the hula-hoop. a simple but cool looking thing, especially the ones with the shine or the beads in it, thats just captivating. as well as watching the colors spin and the joy when the one with it on gets it twirling. and while she loved to watch when ever she tried it herself the horns on her head and the growing spinal bones. she tried forever but they were just to jagged at the time for her to get more than two laps around herself. yet she didn't give up! she kept trying and as she grew they smoothed out and made divits, maybe because of how much she tried and they just adapted but eventually the divits were perfect. it may sound crazy but uli found out the divits on her back are perfect for a hula-hoop to spin on! now she struts her stuff showing everyone her skills that she, over time has perfected. and is still perfecting and learning new skills with the hula-hoop. uli wouldn't ever go back in time to change the time she spent with the hula-hoop, it was hard work that paid off as crowds now gather to see what she can do with the hoop.