Eris Diablo



5 years, 14 days ago



"I hope sex and drugs rust into my self, holy"

  •  Name   Eris Diablo
  •  Age   25 
  •  DOB 5/16/96 
  •  Occupation   YouTube Streamer, (former) vocalist for Whirlwind 
  •  Sexuality   Bisexual 
  • Personality 
    Eris hates silence so she always tries to generate racket anyway she can. Eris is fearless to everyday phobias yet has debilitating stage fright. She blames most of her personality on a dysfunctional adrenal gland. 
    Ethel Orias (Eris Diablo, if you're wise) grew up in the forsaken lands of Utah. Her mother (Gertrude Orias) and father (Tilmon Orias) devoted their family to the Church of Latter-day Saints, leaving Eris a socially deprived little girl.  
  • At 6, little Ethel had a four-year battle with retinoblastoma that made her the center of attention. Even though she lost her left eye to the disease she happily returned to her role as a choir girl. 
  • It was here in the choir she realized that despite her inherent talent her family valued only her voice while suppressing all of her dreams outside of the church. As she grew into her teens she was groomed to be the Mormon ideal of "woman". 
  • Upon her first mission trip, she escaped to London where she hooked up with a bloke to evade her old way of life. In that lonely flat, she introduced herself as Eris. 
    --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Whirlwind- Phase 1
    Paranoid about being discovered by her relatives, Eris buzzed her head and dyed it blue. Eris got into streaming on YouTube while living with her boyfriend as an outlet for her new-found freedom. (WIP)

  • Appearance 
    Eris always has a mess of blue hair if not completely buzzed. Her "cross" eye is glass although she's been seen with other types of glass eyes. Her eyebrows are rounded and short. Her prosthetic leg is white and matches her cross-eye.

  •  Likes                             Motorcycles, videotapes, making noise, long talks, thrills
  •  Dislikes                                   Leaving early from parties, white wine, having hair

  • ● Eris' voice claim is the vocalist of GRLwood. 
  • ● Eris' band Whirlwind is based on a mishearing of the name GRLwood I had. 
  • ● Eris has an on and off relationship with Beatrix Niccals. 
  • ● Eris lost her right leg in a motorcycle crash in 2016. She had saved money to buy the motorcycle out of pocket. 
  • ●  She hates her mom. She has no contact with her biological parents. 
  • ● She laughs at noise complaints.