Lalita Bordoloi



5 years, 14 days ago


 But the mirror shows a different face 


Name Lalita Bordoloi
Age Twenty-four
Alias Lali, Seni
Gender Female
Sexuality Lesbian
Pronouns She / Her
Job Horologist
Ethnicity Assamese

 I've grown to look the other way 
  • 5'0" tall.
  • Knee length dark brown hair with some gold strands.
  • Bright golden eyes with a clock decal.
  • A beauty mark on the left lower lip.
  • Y'know it. Fangs.
  • A lot of her clothes have designs added on by her!

A horologist, in this sense, is a maker of clocks and timepieces and Lalita's creations are well-known in India for their intricacy and creativity. The timepieces that are personally designed and made by her are sold for quite a bit and there is usually a limited amount available at a time so the price tends to skyrocket! However, if one were to get their own timepieces fixed by her, Lalita tends to add a little extra flair to the finished product as a little token of appreciation, with permission of course! It is a well-known fact that the Bordoloi family have been horologists for generations and it's basically expected for each born generation to continue on the family business.

Lalita comes off as a bright and cheerful young woman, always wanting to focus on the positives that life has to bring. Her friendly and courteous attitude makes her incredibly easy to approach and draws in tons of customers effortlessly. However, while she's pretty likeable and easy to get along with, Lalita isn't a very honest person. Something seems to be holding her back from being her most authentic self.


solitary social

observant dense

logical emotional

organised messy

assertive passive

 Telling myself it's only the start 

Besides making clocks, Lalita is very talented in sewing and making her own clothes. She usually adds her own designs on existing clothing.

She's also a talented artist! She keeps a book filled with clock designs but also... fashion drawings?

Lalita is incredibly good at bargaining. A must-have skill in India.

Lalita is quite the good multi-tasker.


Lalita seems to be extremely superstitious! She'll avoid things associated with bad luck (like black cats) like the plague and takes her daily horoscope very seriously.

She may be friendly and easy to get along with, but Lalita seems to have a bit of a short temper.

Lalita tends to lie more than tell the truth. It just seems to come so naturally to her. However these lies tend to have more to do about her than anything else.

Allergic to peanuts. L


At 5:15am on September 12th, Lalita Bordoloi was born. And at 5:16am, her father had proudly declared that she would be a great horologist and carry on the family business. No one even bothered to ask her what she wanted to do in life.

Just like her family wanted, she became a horologist. And she was so good at what she did, the family business was the most popular it had ever been. Her family had been so proud of her. Now if only she could land herself a boyfriend and a husband right?

Lalita did everything she could to keep her family happy, but believed that being her true self would only bring shame and disappointment to her family. So she lived her ideal life in her sketchbook... where she was a world famous fashion designer... and married a beautiful woman.


  • Her birthday is on the 12th of September.
  • Lalita is an avid believer of horoscopes and makes sure to read hers daily. She even carries around her lucky item of the day!
  • Lalita is a big fan of giraffes and constellations. Her favorite is the Horologium constellation!
  • Hella closeted.
  • Lalita follows the Hindu religion!

 Baby look what you've done 
CV Saori Hayami
Alignment Lawful Neutral
Sin Wrath
Virtue Humility

Designer YUMElRO

'Good Friend'

Lalita's best friend since childhood.

He might just be one of the few people in her life that understands how she feels and whom she can be herself around.