Plum Tiger Eye



5 years, 30 days ago


Plum Tiger Eye
She/Her, They/Them

Plum is one of the more serious and stern members of her pack, she shares a strong resemblance to her packmate Peach as their exit holes in the kindergarten were very close together, although her personality matches more with Powder Tiger Eye in her pack. Plum has a strong leader-personality type and loves efficient work, having a methodical and calculated approach to her duties. She gets along well with Momo and can be often spotted with them while they are both free.

 (Made by NeonCandies on TH and Twitter, PrussianCandy on FA, and Neon.Candies on instagram.)

NeonCandies's version of Tiger Eye Jaspers:

  1. Tiger Eye's are extremely territorial, especially when first emerging. Only those within their facet are exempt from hostility over territory. Because of this Tiger Eye's need to be separated by facet when placed into a kindergarten to avoid fighting. Those from the same facet refer to each other as "packmates" or "kinderpack". No matter how much time has passed or how different a packmate looks, those of the same facet will always be able to recognize each other's scent.
  2. Their sense of smell and hearing is heightened.
  3. In line with their territorial impulses, Tiger Eye's have a personal area dedicated to their comfort and a place they call their own. They defend this area and only a select few (like packmates or Imprints) are allowed in.
  4. Imprints are something Tiger Eye's are able to do. They are mostly used as guards for specific Gems (nobles, generals, etc). When a Tiger Eye Imprints, it basically means they will always protect the Gem that they Imprinted on no matter what, even when they're lost in Primal. Anyone can be an Imprint and a Tiger Eye is able to Imprint more than once. 
  5. Primal is a state Tiger Eye's are able to enter. Each Primal is different depending on the Gem. Some get more aggressive, others more subdued and cautious. Primal cannot be accessed consciously. Only when emotions run extremely high, the situation is dire, or when an Imprint is in extreme danger will a Tiger Eye enter Primal. Their instincts are heightened and take over all rational thought. Exiting Primal is a slow process and cannot be forced. It is a gradual decompress of adrenaline. 
  6. The tufts of hair on their head aren't actually ears despite the fact they seem to move like they are. They are extremely sensitive to being pulled.