Aezark Kronoa



5 years, 4 months ago


Aezark Kronoa


"You don't understand, I can't remember anything."

Aezark grew up on Dathomir, and was given to the Separatists during the Clone Wars as a slave soldier. The Nightsisters, Force witches that could possess and control Dathomirian zabrak, erased his memories as a child, turning him into a mindless killer to do the Separatists bidding. After Order 66, Aezark was transitioned into the Imperial Inquisitors, until he was knocked from his mind control by Aloraa. The two escaped the Inquisitors together, and he now works under the Kith.

He has a blunt, impatient, and at sometimes abrasive attitude, but his loyalty to Aloraa and the Kith rivals no other.


  • Piloting
  • Exercise
  • Space beer


  • Technology
  • Manipulation
  • Lightning


Aezark is a very straight to the point kind of person. He doesn't know how to manage his emotions that well, so he tends to keep to himself, oftentimes until they come to a boiling point.

Despite his less than warm exterior, he cares a lot about those he's close to, and is always willing to help with whatever is asked of him, regardless of his skills he can bring to the table.


  • Loyal
  • Honest
  • Upfront


  • Easily frustrated
  • Petty
  • Lacks tact

  •  Introvert   Extrovert 

  •  Intuitive   Observant 

  •  Thinking   Feeling 

  •  Judging   Prospecting 

  •  Assertive   Turbulent 


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  •  Hair Color   Black

  •  Eye Color   Yellow/Green 

  •  Skin Color   Black/Copper 

  •  Height   6'7" 

  •  Clothing Style   Traditional Three Peaks 

  •  Skinny   Large 

  •  Curvy   Tall 

  •  Fat   Muscular 

  •  Groomed   Messy 

"Montu Jaxo greets you."

Sothiyra takes great pride in her homeland, the Three Peaks. She begins her journey wearing the leather jerkin and skirt that are known throughout the dragonborn homeland, along with the colored bands of purple and green represent the clans of her mother and father.

As her journeys continue, she becomes exposed to different styles of fashion and clothing types. Slowly she adopts an attire that is more similar to dragonborn from the mainland, rather than the peaks, as she travels.

Design Notes

  • Mane extends down her back to the top of her tail
  • Two horns stick out from the top of her head
  • Forked tongue
  • Three piercings in left ear, one in right
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Name: Therwyn

Therwyn is a dragonborn Sothiyra grew up with, and has long had feelings for. She disappeared after her sun walk, only to reappear 3 years later as a member of the Inquisitors. They dated briefly, but Therwyn wanted Sothiyra to explore who she is before committing to a relationship.


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Name: Rosenstern

Rosenstern and Sothiyra grew close over their travels. Sothiyra and Rose share a passion for learning, and have spent their time on the road learning languages that each other know. They have each become the other's confidant, and have mastered draconic and elvish respectively because of their practicing.


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Name: Aella

Aella and Sothiyra have clashed during their travels, but are inexplicitly drawn to one another. Sothiyra sees the good in Aella, and wants to help prove that she deserves a spot among the Daybreak Vanguard. Sothiyra may also be harboring her own unrecognized feelings towards the air genasi.


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Name: Hero

Hero was one of the first people that Sothiyra came across in Athiel. They shared a peaceful moment before Hero reappeared and attacked the city. Sothiyra has been wracked with complicated feelings for the tiefling, determined that someone who could show that kindness is not altogether unredeemable, although that faith has begun to waver.



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Sothiyra comes from a close-knit, centrist society called the Three Peaks. The Three Peaks are three semi-active volcanoes in the south of Athune that are home to entirely dragonborn. Although they do participate in trade throughout Athune, most Peaks dragonborn have never left their homeland, nor do they even intend to.

One tradition that Peaks dragonborn partake in is known as the Sun Walk. Meant to commemorate the banishment of the 300 years of darkness, each year one dragonborn from each clan that has come of age is chosen to partake in this task. They travel to Athiel, the capital of Athune, and meet up with the elder dragonborn during what is known as the Sun Festival.

Sothiyra was incredibly close to Therwyn Emmaenish growing up, and had even housed a small crush on the older dragonborn. Therwyn was selected to partake in the Sun Walk when she came of age, but never returned. Struck with grief and concern, Sothiyra worked hard so that she could be chosen to visit Athiel and discover what happened to Therwyn


S14116897_qoV.pngothiyra met up with her party in Athiel where they found that Brother Solarious, a priest of Pelor, was really Auro, the Saint of Athune. Auro had lost his memories, due to a safeguard that his companions put in place in case the darkness arose again. Together they embarked on a quest to recover the Auro’s memories so that they can defeat the Darkson and his generals. Together they travel Athune, meeting up with Auro’s old companions to retrieve his memories.

They encountered Therwyn leaving Grimmsfaer, and learned of her capture shortly after her trip to Athiel. Although the two initially had strong feelings, and considered a relationship, Therwyn decided that Sothiyra, having never left her home until now, did not know who she was yet, and that she needed to grow as a person before she entered a committed relationship. They parted on good terms, Therwyn still aiding Sothiyra and her companions where she can as a member of the Inquisition of the Sunshields, the main guard organization of Athune.

Present Day

Sothiyra travels with Auro, Gavierre Meifiere, Fey, Aella, and Rosenstern Dolyn in order to find the remaining memories of Auro's past in order to defeat the return of the Dreadson and his generals.



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