


5 years, 1 month ago


Closed Species: Obie

Golden Lancehead


Daddy issues, very neglected as a child

A witch, uses dark magic and curses

Doesn't have gender but prefers male pronouns, born female

LOVES exotic meats, cooked or raw

Maibe its Maibelline

He grew up in an environment that was very misogynistic. His dad had 6 wives and when Maibe's mother was only able to birth a single girl, she was abandoned and later murdered. Maibe, who was that girl, was abused and terribly neglected, leading him to lie or steal to survive, becoming very proficient in it. He grew up ashamed of his own gender but doesn't quite have gender dysphoria. I think????? Whilst trying to find valuable items to sell, he met a weird stranger and scammed a dark magic book out of him from. After getting the book he learnt he had a talent for magic and continued to go deeper and deeper until he became who he is. Cursing his dad and the rest of his children, they eventually fell one by one with only him to inherit the land and riches. 

Maibe is very money and power hungry, he hordes gold and wants every necklace, every bracelet and every coin. He considers himself to be classy and sophisticated, loves the fancy things in life. Going only after gold gets very boring after a while, so he takes on clients to curse people or as an adventurer. Even though he's very powerful, he doesn't have much ambition and it's his biggest downfall.

Dark magic is very powerful and effective but also takes a large toll on its user. Corruption in the form of ink spreads from their fingertips and sclera. Casting a spell while touching or being too close to anything organic can lead to it getting corrupted and form inky blotches and turn to ash. But gold, blessed by gods, counteracts the decay. It's worn by dark magic users to stop themselves from corruption and decaying too badly.