


5 years, 4 days ago


Name: Brightcreek/Haku
Gender/Sexuality: Pan
Scent: Orange mint
Age(Moons): 32
Position: Warrior/Loner
Clan: ---clan
Personality: Sweet, romantic, caring, always worried about your feelings and health. Always offers to help pick you up, if he feels something about your attitude is off, or you don't seem like yourself. Very attentive to details, and small social cues, knowing when to step in and offer his help. Never wants to hurt or offend you, and can take a few blows himself. Knows that there's at least a little good in each cat.
Themesong: Talk to me - Cavetown https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qydvBXzwgUw

Hunting: 8
Tracking: 4
Fighting: 5
Charisma: 7
Stealth: 7
Climbing: 9
Swimming: 9
Speed: 6

Extras + Socials

Background: Gets horrifying nightmares, and tends to wake up in a rush of adrenaline, or with a squeaky, choked mewl of protest. He pushes it off quickly if other cats around, as he can ground himself in the comfort of not being alone, but if he does wake up with no one around, his night terrors can drag on and attack his mind in waves. Haku/Brightcreek is a stray that became a loner, after his 'loving' two-leg family left him behind during a big move out of state.

Clueless to their permanent disappearance, Haku wandered his empty neighborhood waiting for them to come home. After he started to run out of food, and the water got cut off, he had to leave home and decided to try and find his family. This led to exploring new areas, and eventually a wooded valley that had a few homes in a tightly knit community. He met a ton of grumpy old cats, who didn't like his sudden presence at first, but slowly warmed up to him as he came to visit and listen to their grumbling or old memories and life stories.
He later met new young cats that seemed to think he was scary, from his big bulky build. Though they too soon enjoyed his company as he brought their two-legs little flower gifts, and left snacks for the neighborhood cats at their doorsteps. As the moons passed, he learned the place he'd decided to settle in was called 'Widow creek', and he soon became known as 'Widow Creek's Sunshine', nicknamed that by a pretty tabby she-cat named Spider.

He often wanders into the woods behind the valley neighborhood, and found his favorite place/little makeshift home next to a large, neatly kept creek, with a pond at the end of it. The few cats that stray from their homes to explore often find him just sitting in the stream, with his nose twitching. He'd made a nest a few tail-lengths from the creek, and right next to a tree that multiple birds were nesting in. The mother birds don't seem to mind his presence, and he seems to like protecting and looking at the chicks from a fair distance away, so in return for the bird watching and protection, they leave little twigs and brush, even leading him to freshly dried moss to make the tom's nest fluffier.


Mother: Sunny (Kittypet)
Father: Loner
Siblings: N/a
Mate: N/a, always dreamed of one.
Kits: N/a, but he'd absolutely love some. Adopted, or not.
Ambitions: Befriend as many cats as he can, in the time he has. To never see a cat sitting alone, or feeling rejected. 'Everyone needs a little sunshine in their life! Or a lot, whatever works better.' Is his motto.

“Momma said everyone deserves a friend, and she's never wrong!"  
"There's no reason you can't show compassion, and sit with somecat lonely. What's wrong with wanting to see everyone happy?"
"..What do you mean, your 'feelings don't matter'? They matter the world to me.."