Piper Parker



5 years, 13 days ago


Piper Parker

Female-20 years old-4'11"-160lbs-Lesbian


Piper Parker's universe is quite different from our own. In her world, the  cold war ended on a bad note. This left humanity in radioactive  shambles. Piper's modern life took place in the aftermath  of the ruined world: a nearly lawless land where gangs of violent  criminals were the ones who made it on top. When Piper was bitten she decided to take on the gangs in order to bring some sort of peace back. Piper is quite morally gray, growing up without any stable laws, she tends to  think of violence and murder as the only clear crimes while other petty  crimes, such as vandalism and theft, are very rarely hindered by her.

Piper's  powers are very similar to that which is experienced over most  universes. However her webs are very different. The webs are strictly  organic and do not stick. Piper can control the consistency of her webs, from silken threads, to piano wires, to bungee cords. This makes it so that Piper uses her webs in order to create. She will create grappling hooks,  pulleys, and even bridges in order to go from building to building  instead of the usual web swing. She also uses her webs to create  weapons, traps, or clothing (see her patched coat). Piper  keeps many different small pieces of salvage in her tool belt; such as  the razor blades for her whip, ammo for a slingshot, a pair of scissors,  and some sewing supplies. Her gloves have Rubber padding to keep from  getting rope burn, this also keeps her from being able to be shocked on  her hands or face.

She always has on a rubber gas mask and never  takes it off in the presence of others; even with the other spider  people. She also does not speak and instead wither lets her actions  speak for her, or will write out what she wants to say in webs. This is  because one of the spider mutations went terribly wrong, leaving her  lower face a twisted mess of fangs.