Female OC ideas



4 years, 11 months ago


Name: Diana Tale

Age: Young adult

Gender: Female

Bio: Soft-spoken, cautious, motherly despite her age, often second-guessing herself, a major worry-wart, enjoys cooking and gardening as well as baby-sitting. Raised by a rich family and is used to receiving glamorous gifts and being spoiled, though she enjoys receiving flowers or desserts as gifts just as much, if not more than more expensive gifts. Was raised to be graceful and respectful. Curtsies at first meeting of a stranger, no matter their status. Her parents were often on business trips when she was growing up, so she was more-so raised by her maids and butlers rather than her own parents. Is quite shy so she will speak in a very formal manner when first introduced to a stranger; sometimes this trait of hers can be mistaken for a snobbishness. Always wears the pearl and feather necklace as well as the sea-shell bow as the bow was hand-crafted for her by her mother and the necklace was made for her by her grandmother a few months before she passed away; she holds both these items close to her heart and would be devastated if anything were to happen to either of them.
She is able to craft jewelry as she was taught by her mother and grandmother and loves making accessories and trinkets, especially for close-friends of her's.

Name: Aria Winters
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Personality: A very bubbly girl who cherishes her friends. Very clumsy but when she gets hurt, she plays it off like its nothing, even with tears budding in her eyes. She loves to play games and can sometimes even get very competitive. Kind of shy at first but is able to warm up quickly to others. Always trying to see the good in others and this can even blind her better judgement at times. Loves being praised and longs for other's approval before her own which at times, damages her self-worth. Has a habit of teasing the one she likes when she musters enough courage to do so. Very giggly as shes VERY easy to make laugh; she also will laugh when shes nervous or feeling awkward to hide the fact that shes feeling that way. Easy to fluster and blushes quite easily. Timid when it comes to admitting how shes feeling if it is a negative emotion. She often forces herself to deal with things she may not want to if it will make someone else happy. Loves being patted or hugged, cuddled or any sort of affectionate touch by those she cares for most, a very cuddly bab though shes too shy to admit it.