Atasi Asim



5 years, 7 days ago


Name: Atasi Asim
Blue Carpenter Bee (Xylocopa caerulea)
January 9th
22 (appearance)  ???(lived for many years stuck in weapon form between wielders)
98 lbs
5ft 3in
Relationship status: 

Personality: Atasi suffers from lack of trust in anyone due to her upbringing.  She's paranoid and thinks of the worst possible outcome in any scenario.  She is protective of her sister.  At first in a good way as kids but after the curse she tries to be controlling of Constance meaning well but in the wrong way.
Added details: 
Atasi can turn into her actual form at any time when she has a wielder.  Without one she remains in a slumber in her scythe form.  She usually turn on the wielder who gains possession of her, not trusting them so she spent a lot more time alone in her weapon form than Constance has.  She has a few wielders that have overpowered her and enslaved her.  She escapes a wielder when she can or uses them to stay in her original form for her own gain.  She has a strong love for honey.

Atasi was adopted by a known witch in the Xunder temples decades ago, along with her sister, Constance.  The witch had a cold demeanor to them and treated them more like maids than children but she did feed them and gave them shelter.  Atasi did more of the outside chores and errands while Constance did more work around the household.  Atasi learned how children are usually treated in loving families and even fell for a boy that the witch later punished her badly for after finding out.  She sneaked out on dates with the boy rather than doing her errands.  The witch enforced they talked to no strangers.  Just ignore and continue with the assignment given to them.  Out of anger Atasi started to wonder why the witch was so mean to them and kept her and her little sister so sheltered and anti-social.  In the middle of the night Atasi wanted some answers of what the witch was hiding and planning with them.  She got up from where her and Constance shared the same bed.  Seeing her leave Constance followed her without her noticing.  Atasi sneaked into a room the was forbidden to them by their witch guardian and they were caught soon after and the witch cursed them into weapons and locked them away for years.  The witch had planned to make them powerful weapons from the beginning but was taking the time to perfect the spell.  But due to the moment she did the spell prematurely causing some defects in the spell.  As in Constance and Atasi can reform back into their original form as long as they have a wielder around them rather than being a weapon permanently.  They still have a conscious as a weapon or not.  The witch has a deep hatred against others in the Xunder temples for casting her out for her dark and experimental magic and had planned to get back at them using the girls as pawns.  She originally adopted the girls using a glamour spell to change her appearance and put on a nice act to get the rights to the girls.  Constance and Atasi's parents whereabouts are unknown.

Atasi holds a lot of hate throughout her years in solitude.  She feels any wielder she comes across will only use her like the Witch did.  She trusts no one.  She usually escapes her wielder or manipulates them to be able to stay in her original form.  She has an instance where her wielder becomes an abuser to keep her in line.  Knowing the boy she fell in love with so many years ago had passed also takes a toll on her emotionally as well.  Being trapped in weapon form for so many years she could never meet up with him again.

Powers/Abilities: Ability to transform into a scythe.
Constance (sister), Parent are unknown
Relationship with: 
Tyrian- Atasi doesn't trust Tyrian, feeling like he brainwashed her sister.  She tries to take Constance away from him so they can live on their own though that is pretty much impossible.  She feels Tyrian are like "all other wielders" being there to use them as weapons and servants. She becomes blind sighted to how happy her sister really is with Tyrian and is in denial that good wielders do exist and the curse can be coped with.

Constance- Atasi has a sense of loathing towards Constance as she felt like Constance has succumbed to the curse and submitted herself to Tyrian.  She is quite envious that Constance was able to move on in a happy relationship with Tyrian and that the curse doesn't hinder her any longer but she is still struggling with the curse guilt herself.  She wants the support of her sister but feels Tyrian is in the way.  Atasi has big trust issues like Constance once did.