Kayo Mikami



7 years, 11 months ago



"Hmhm~ That's right, Kayo's the Ultimate Matchmaker! Lonely hearts come far and wide to unite in Kayo's lovey dovey embrace~!"

Name: Kayo Mikami
Age: 18
Gender: Female (she/her)

Birthday: February 14th
Talent: Ultimate Matchmaker


To many people, she is seen as a very bubbly, happy, and naive girl. She's easily excitable and laughs at the slightest of things, even your worst jokes. She's very friendly and is often a bit blunt or oblivious. If she doesn't get her way, she'll either cry or give you puppy dog eyes until you give in. "The epitome of human innocence" - that's how most who know Kayo describe her. 

Unfortunately, Kayo is anything but. Her true self is pragmatic, cold, and efficient. Over years of building up walls and desperately appealing for survival, she has suppressed her empathy and discarded her innocence. The "real" Kayo is manipulative and calculating, does not dress things up in cutesy metaphors and sugarcoat her words, nor does she have much of a sense of humor. This side of her is one she buries under her cheerful facade. Her dignity does not matter - if she has to play the fool to be adored, to survive, then so be it. Nothing matters more to Kayo than her own life.


warnings: child murder, implied serial murder

Kayo was born to a single mother in Kyoto, Japan. Though she'd never known her father, from what her mother told her, he hadn't been all that great of a person, so it wasn't exactly a loss for Kayo to grow up without him. Being raised by a single mother had its challenges, however, and Kayo often found herself lonely - that was until one day at daycare, she met Saki Kishi.

Though Saki was a couple of years younger than her, the two of them hit it off immediately and became the best of friends. Saki was kind, creative, funny - she was everything Kayo needed to ease her loneliness, and everything that she loved. The two would often play dollhouse together, or dress up and play make-believe. Kayo began staying over often at the Kishi household when her mother was busy. It was then that Kayo met Chinatsu Kishi, Saki's older sister, for the first time, but she didn't think much of her at all.

Nowadays, Kayo regrets that.

Disaster struck one day when the Kishi family took Kayo along (with permission) on a family trip to the beach. The day had gone well at first, until Chinatsu and Saki mysteriously disappeared. Worried, Kayo went to search for them, only to find Chinatsu holding Saki's head underneath the water. Helplessly, Kayo could do nothing but watch as her best friend disappeared beneath the waves, her smiling face never to be seen again.

From that day forward, Kayo's life was bound to Chinatsu's. For the sake of not ending up like her dearest friend, Kayo began to obediently follow Chinatsu and submit to all her whims. It was there that her talent for matchmaking began to bloom forth - Chinatsu, greedy for love, was always demanding more and more people to love her. And so Kayo kept searching, kept matching her with more and more people, all in search for that one "perfect person" that would satiate Chinatsu's greed. 

Of course, they never did.

Still, through word of mouth, Kayo began making a fairly good name for herself as a matchmaker. Matching her clientele together brought her a sense of joy - this, she thought, was what "love" should be, rather than the desecration that Chinatsu had turned it into. Her life had generally become bleak and colorless, yet she fought to survive anyway, clawed her way to the top until she was the best of the best - someone untouchable, someone that Chinatsu wouldn't dare to dispose of.

Though, once she and Chinatsu had gotten their invites to Hope's Peak, and learned they would be in the same class... Kayo wondered just how long she'd have to keep fighting for.


Chinatsu Kishi (profile)

On the outside, they seem like the closest of friends that can talk to each other about anything. This could not be further from the truth. Kayo both fears and despises Chinatsu from the bottom of her heart, more than anything else in the entire world. She prays for a day where something will finally take her out of this world for good - maybe an "unfortunate accident", maybe some rare deadly illness, anything if it'll mean Chinatsu would be gone. Until then, she'll continue to play her part as Chinatsu's best friend.

Saki Kishi

As Saki was Kayo's very first friend, and the girl who initially brought so much joy into her life, it goes without saying that Kayo misses her deeply. Even if a thousand years went by, Kayo would not be able to forget her.

Kouki Yuuki (profile)

Kayo initially didn't care for Kouki - or rather, she forced herself not to care, to just see him as another piece of scrap to throw to the wolves to save her own skin. However, Kouki continued to treat her kindly, and overtime it became harder and harder to distance herself and view him as nothing more than some faceless statistic. Knowing what she's put him through, and knowing what's to come if he can't live up to Chinatsu's expectations, Kayo feels herself consumed by overwhelming guilt every time she sees him.

Chiharu Akio (profile)

From the moment they met, Kayo found herself wanting to grow closer to Chiharu. Her sweetness and liveliness made it fairly easy to project the image of Saki onto her, even if Kayo quickly realized there was more than meets the eye. However, she knew she could never go further than the superficial friendship they had, not as long as Chinatsu existed - so, the two are simply stuck playing house, pretending that their friendship has meaning. 

Hiro Fukui (profile)

Hiro had fallen for Kayo's act, hook line and sinker. Kayo hadn't really been planning on growing attached, but fate seemed to have its own plans. It may have taken a little while, but his unbridled enthusiasm and kindness eventually won her over and she found a genuine sense of fondness growing in her heart. On nights where she wonders if continuing with everything is even worth it, she boots up the game he made for her and lets go of all of her troubles for just a bit.


  • Her character went through a very interesting development over the years. She was originally concepted to be someone genuinely bubbly and innocent, then she became an easily bored monster putting on a front of innocence to hide her true sadistic nature, before her character finally settled on the survival-driven and pragmatic girl you see today.
  • Her original name was Hoshi. Then canon revealed Ryoma Hoshi, so I had to scrap that name for her.
  • Her favorite food is yakitori.