
9 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info








Food, sleep, money


Humans, the heat, getting woken up, humans







Design Notes

• Thicker/fluffier fur at neck-chest
• Little strokes on tails are optional




May 11th
The sun was setting on a cool summers day as I sat a top the hill overlooking the town below whilst snacking on a small meal. For what seemed like an illusion at first, a creature as white as snow - with the exception of a sea of blues on its face and tails - was present before me. Enraptured by its stunning coat and presence of multiple tails, I was taken aback when its ruby-red eyes met mine. It seemed only natural that I held my breath as this mystic being stood only metres away from me, when suddenly the still moment was broken by an awful gagging noise. Suddenly the wild fox-like creature was vommiting, leaving a small pile of what seemed like gold coins glistening at her paws. A second later, it was gone. And so was my chicken sandwich.

Maia is a creature only mentioned in the legends and myths of mankind - a mystical being that is the embodiment of beauty and elegance. Contrary to what is believed, however, Maia is very much a creature of the Earth and simply chooses not to be seen due to her immense disgust for humans (which, according to her, is "too elegant a term and they should be referred to as nothing less than peasants"). Even more so, despite her alluring exterior and mysterious air, those who have had the honour to hear her speak have described her as nothing but 'the queen of sass' and/or a 'sarcastic ass****'.

She thinks highly of herself and rarely gives a second thought to those around her if they aren't someone she cherishes. Regardless, because of her enigmatic aura, others are constantly drawn to her - some due to curiousity, others due to awe and idolisation. Instead of this beautiful illusion being shattered once one has conversed with her, many are instead intrigued by her unique personality that completely opposes her looks.

Despite how intimidating she can be, Maia does have a small group of friends which she loves dearly and despite initial impressions, she can be very clingy and protective when they are involved. Other than food and sleep, they are the only thing that matter- oh, and money, because how does one buy food without money?

Having woken up in the middle of nowhere with no prior memories, Maia is set of living the rest of her life in relaxation and spends her time wondering the lands sleeping whenever she wants, and eating whenever she can. Her life mission is to taste all the delicious foods the world can offer, and sleep in all the wonderous places where there is nothing but her and nature. This vagabond-like lifestyle has caused her to be very motivation-lacking, often resulting in her vomitting gold (size varies depending on how extreme the case is) that turns to dust when touched - her body's way of tell her to get her s*** together. Unfortunately, there have been times when she has used this ability to her advantage...


h i s t o r y

Fluttering her eyes open felt as if she was trying to pull apart something that had been sealed shut for countless years with no intent to be opened. Upon finally managing the act all she was welcomed with was endless, endless white. The snow spanned as far as the eyes could see, and there seemed nothing else in sight besides a somewhat big pile of fur made up of a mixture of vibrant, royal colours. Before she could even question where she was, the pile started moving. A few soft grunts laters, standing before her was a bold male with a somewhat intimidating yet gentle air.

"Where are we, -" the male stopped, strangely confused that he didn't know her name. "My name is King, and you are?" His voice lulled her, seeming as if it told her he could be trusted.
"Maia." It surprised even her, how easily her name came to her despite not having a clue how she ended up where she was.

It seemed King and her were in the same boat - neither knew anything about how they came to be in this white canvas that seemed more an invisible cage than it did a sight to behold. Strangely, besides how they ended up where the were, each knew everything one possibly could about oneself. Even stranger so, there seemed to be a nostalgic feeling that the two had known each other long prior to their introductions that were made only hours ago.

Getting nowhere with answering any questions regarding their situation nor the nagging feeling that there had been some sort of relation between the two previously, Maia and King decide to leave the past behind them - for now. Instead the two stay close and guide one another into familiarising themselves with their surroundings. And so, since their 'awakening' on a winter's snow, the two have become as close as if they were blood related (though this seems impossible due to their vast differences psychically) and refer to each other as siblings.

The two have since part ways, King off to explore the continental Asia while Maia seeks to satisfy her constant need to sleep and eat elsewhere. The siblings of course have promised to reunite soon.

r e l a t i o n s h i p s

King ; as explored in her history, King is Maia's brother. Despite Maia's high opinion of herself and contrastingly low opinion of others, her brother is one of the only people she will let her guard down around. Unlike how she is like to almost everyone else, with King she is surprisingly immature or otherwise bratty. There are very few that Maia respects, but her brother is definitely one of them. Being the more mature/grown up of the two, he somewhat acts as her guardian and always puts her in her place in a stern but gentle manner.

** other relationships to be revealed shortly! **

w e a k n e s s e s

Bluntness ; Arguably her biggest flaw, Maia says whatever is on her mind without thinking of how the message is delivered and how it affects the receiver. She doesn't do it on purpose, she just doesn't think about it - it's who she is. But this has caused hurt for many and she often hates herself for it. Yet she can sometimes feel restricted as holding back what she's thinking means she's not being true to herself.

Quick to anger ; Maia can get frustrated too easily, at times for no reason at all. Her mood is easily affected by something small which can ultimately ruin her whole day. She doesn't care much about what others think but understands that that doesn't mean she can be rude - so it's something she's aware of and constantly trying to fix but every now and then it slips out of her control.

Impatient / not understanding ; Maia is all about getting what she wants. If she's unhappy with something, chances are she'll put her all into changing it. She very strongly believes that happiness is controlled by oneself and so she can be very impatient when dealing with people that think the opposite of this. She hates when people complain when they haven't done all that they can to prevent/reduce/fix the problem and just doesn't understand why they aren't doing something about it.

Contracting ; Maia is a walking contradiction. She can be insecure about the tiniest things, yet she thinks higher of herself than others. She gets what she wants yet she is the epitome of laziness. She acts like a b*tch but she'll put you before herself. She says she has no weaknesses, yet she has many.

s t r e n g t h s

Loyal ; Though her group of loved ones may be small, she would go to the ends of the earth for them if she needed to. There really isn't much that she wouldn't do for them. She isn't exactly the advice-giver type but she's always there to lead an ear or a shoulder. When it comes to her loved ones, she's also always willing to lay down her pride to fix things - she'll still stick to her beliefs but won't let them get in the way of her relationships.

Self-aware ; Maia is very much about being her own person. If she can, she tries to care as little as possible about what others think. This allows her to be as much as 'herself' as possible, both the good and the bad. She understands that this may repel others but is happy to know that those who stay, are staying for real. Having said that, she is aware of most of her flaws and at the back of her mind always has the intention to improve them.

Easy to please ; While she is quick to anger, Maia is just as easy to please. One small good thing such as eating a good meal (actually that's quiet a big deal to her but still) can set her in a good mood for the rest of the day. If she's in a sour mood, often in the first 5 minutes of being around her friends she'll feel her mood do a rapid 180.

Easy-going ; Maia is the take-it-as-it-comes kinda gal but at the same time always knows what she's doing. She basically never stresses (but I guess if all you do is eat and sleep what's there to stress about?) Besides anger, she is very in control of her negative emotions and is mostly able to keep them at bay unless under extreme situations. This somewhat ties in to her hate for weakness, as she tries her best to not have a vulnerable side.

Independent ; Having a balance in her life is very important and hence Maia very much values her time alone. This is allows her to spend it on the important things like eating and sleeping, but also gives her an endless amount of self-reflection time.