


"State your business."

 Name: Rook
 Pronouns: He/him
 Orientation: N/A

 DoB/Age: 14
 Species: Cat
 Sex: Male
 Bodytype: Slightly stocky, but Agile

 Part of Crimnoil Chronicles webcomic!
*Age as of Chapter 1.
12 Seasons during the Prologue.


Calm & Collected ✦ Calculated ✦ Man of Few Words

Rook is White's personal servant, they've been inseparable pretty much since birth; he never leaves her side. Rarely speaks, and is usually just seen watching White from a little ways off with a mostly expressionless look on his face.

He was found by himself as a very young kit, pretty much a new-born, and with nowhere else to go, the royal family took him in to live in the castle. Though it's not too uncommon for people other than the royal family to live under their roof, like for example servants who come from far away like Meriella, they felt sympathy for the lost boy; Thus, Rook received the Tree's blessing, gaining the diamond-shaped pupils that mark being born into the Drohannon family. Marcellus and Pansy hoped for this to make him feel more like he has a place he belongs, even if he has no family.
Rook got to grow up being friends with the princesses, and had a safe home in the castle. To repay the kindness he received from the family, he asked the royal couple to assign him a job. Meriella, whom they'd hired to take care of the princesses, now had her own daughter to take of as well, and Rook already got along well with the princesses: Therefore, he became White's personal servant.
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Feral ✔  Anthro ✘

Blood ✔  Gore - Ask

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 Nudity ✘
NSFW ✘  

- None at the moment !
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