♟️ | Rook



8 years, 9 days ago


Rook is White's personal servant. They've been inseparable their whole lives. Rarely speaks, and can usually be seen calmly watching over White from just a little ways off. Quite serious, not one for pleasantries. 

Found in the snow as merely a new-born, and with nowhere else to go, the royal family took him. As he was so young he'd yet to open his eyes, he was able to receive the Tree's blessing: the diamond-shaped pupils that mark being born into the Drohannon royal family. Marcellus and Pansy hoped this would help him feel like he has a place to belong, even with no family of his own.

Rook grew up as friends with the princesses, and to repay the kindness he'd received, he asked the royal couple to assign him a job. Meriella, whom they'd hired to take care of the princesses, now had her own daughter to care for as well, so she truly had her hands full. With Dark being older, it was decided that was Rook was to serve as White's personal servant.

14 seasons old as of Chapter 1.
12 seasons during the Prologue.

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