Miss (Debby) Frizz



4 years, 11 months ago


Name: Miss (Debby) Frizz

Birthday: June 15th

Species: Alpaca

Catchphrase: "Frazzle"

Quote: "Attention class! Maybe after we finish these plant studies, we can go and learn how to turn a flower into a paper airplane!"

Character Type(s): Uchi

Personality: Sweet and gentle, yet also sporadic and a little loopy

History: Ms. Frizz is perhaps the only known teacher to have been fired from every job she has worked at. She can teach the average curriculum just fine, she has a tendency to teach rather....."unorthodox" lessons......Like, how was SHE supposed to know that a marshmallow could catch on fire next to a set of dry wood?! She was only trying to teach how to make smores while figuring out the square root of 4! And there was also that time where she left a flower petal in the sun, how was she supposed to know that THAT would catch on fire too?! Look, there was a lot of fires, okay? BUT, that has not stopped Frizz's love for teaching, and has found herself in the town of Lilypad! Ready to start teaching any and all ages! (With hopefully more wacky lessons and less burning! :D)

Other: Many believe there is more to Frizz before heading into the teaching profession, but those are merely rumors of course! It's also been said that she lives in a nice van of her own! Also, Frizz always appears to have trouble with sleep, and attempts to live solely on coffee certain days, perhaps explaining her lack of common sense.....