Ashton Valencia



5 years, 1 month ago




Name  Ashton Valencia
Called  Continuation
Age  17
Gender  Male
Race  Hispanic
Role  Superhero
Power Blood Control
Theme Song link

Ashton is the person who aces school. He's athletic, a teacher's favorite, and smart. He is even good looking! He's practically the perfect person. However, he has a large regret that traps his brain. That regret he expresses as a Superhero, saving people from the regrets that he has today.


  • Walking
  • Math
  • History
  • Ice Cream Trucks


  • Cars
  • Loud noises
  • Sandals
  • Hospitals


Born in Mexico, Ashton was raised in a small family that was somewhat poor, but had enough to go by. His family raised enough money to immigrate to America, the country of his future home. Ashton's family lived in Texas for a few years. The family secured jobs and quickly climbed up the ladder to a job that can give them extra money. With that extra money, the family found similar jobs in Baltimore, Maryland and moved over to the east coast. Ashton was just entering middle school at that time. He was enrolled in a prestigious middle school which he excelled at. He managed to get into the best high school in the city.


Ashton made friends and almost a crush with a girl. Rue Homesbrook. Rue was the best person he ever met, they clicked instantly. As friends, they hung out almost every single minute of free time, even if it was only 5 minutes before the buses came to pick them up.

One day, his parents were out and about and left the house to Ashton. However, the house wasn't touched. Ashton was out with Rue and chilling around at the mall. They were aimlessly talking, walking across the street before he heard the loudest car screech ever. It was the same as every other car break, but it was slower. And louder. He tried to push Rue out of the way, but unfortunately they both suffered severe injuries. Ashton suffered fatal injuries. 

The hospital treated Rue, but she unfortunately had to get her left arm amputated up to her elbow. Ashton was found by a Vismour. A Vismour who saw the blood splatter of the car crash. The Vismour felt that Ashton was worthy and fused with him the moment he died in the hospital.





Trinity Ricci  [ Teammates ]

Ashton sees Trinity as the only somewhat reasonable person on the team besides him. However, he doesn't understand why Trinity loves fighting so much.


Jack Lynch  [ Teammates ]

Ashton loves Jack like a father. He even makes horrible dad jokes around him, and him only. He never dealt with people that were this energetic, and he enjoys how Jack easily has a smile on his face.


Lihua Wang  [ Teammates ]

Lihua makes Ashton easily annoyed. Why? Even he doesn’t know.


Teammate  [ Teammates ]

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