Kaesar ALXR1



5 years, 1 month ago


♪ He/him

♪ Slime / Cyborg

♪ Big gay hooligan

        Grabs got his nickname from his proficiency in grabbing people and throwing them across rooms. His full name is Kaesar S1GLVY ALXR1.

In a world where cyborgs are common and have their own communities and cultures that sometimes overlap with robots, he is a cyborg slime-person (aka a slimeborg) who's eyes and limbs are self-made robotic prosthetics. Grabs also has a full robot suit he wears around sometimes as fight & flight armor or just because he needs that extra boost in confidence. His voice is also robots.

        He is a smart guy who tinkers a lot with robotic inventions in general but has the heart of a jock. He spends most of his days Iron Man-ing through the skies with his homemade rocket boots, spending his free time slamming nerds into lockers (read as: his boyfriend, Gatsby), partying and getting drunk like the frat boy and teaching his young daughter, Bonnie, some good swears to say to her teachers. He loves spoiling his daughter rotten. He also is a hobby musician who likes electronic tunes.

        His parental amalgam is ALEXIRI who is essentially if Alexa and Siri were nb lesbians who loved each other so much they quit their day jobs, fused consciousnesses and adopted several children. Grabs also has an older, butch cyborg-mermaid sister named Joan and a younger robot sibling.