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Rainbow Paint Wolf


Her name was previously Cioccolatte, but I am shortening it to Latte as I think it fits her better.
Short personality//
Latte is a very curious individual. She is a master of acting in the real world, acting sweet to get interesting information, which is excellent for her career as a journalist. She finds gossip fascinating, and really wants to get all the latest facts and rumors to spread out into the press. Latte is often very grumpy, and is almost always, when not out on the job, looking for ways to cheer herself up, which commonly succeeds. One of her favorite hobbies is reading. Books are great for cheering her up.
Long Personality//
One of the morst common things you can hear Latte do is ask questions.Not only is this excellent for a journalist, like Latte, but it has been a big part of her life. Ever since she was a kid she has always wanted to know as much as she could, and then find a way to keep the information. Journalism has translated well to this love of questions and wanting to know more, since the profession is pretty much that. Unfortunately, she sometimes asks way to many questions, or sticks her nose into things that she should not, so her curiosity often backfires. This is especially frustrating when she is trying to get news out of someone and she forgets that this is for news and not for her own personal knowledge, so she goes too far with questions and gets threatened or shut down. Thankfully, this doesn't happen often.
When you meet her out in public, Latte seems to be the sweetest RPW you will ever meet. It is a lie, actually, since Latte is more often than not extremely grumpy and just does an excellent job hiding it. If another situation calls for a different kind of person, Latte can twist herself to be that kind of person. Simply put, she has done a lot of research into how people act, and is using that to her advantage by acting in different ways. At home she is no longer acting since it is jut her, and no one ele is there. She finds it refreshing to be herself, but out in public she is very much the actor, being her own self to a elect few people, her friends and family.
Sweet through and through? Not a chance for miss Latte. She can often be set off into bouts of complete grumpiness, though it is mostly internally. One of her favorite drinks is coffee, and somehow its bitterness got transferred into her personality, though it might also be the negative news stories that you find a lot of the time. Looking for a cure? Let her sit down with a good book and simmer for a while. She does her absolute best to act like she isn't grumpy, but occasionally a bit of negativity slips past her act and makes itself known. That is usally a sign that she is not to be very bothered right now, and you are best staying away.
If you have got a little secret, don't share it with Latte. She will pretty much tell it to everyone she knows. Rumors are often propagated thanks to her, and thiscan cause some stigma against whoever the rumor was about. She can't help it though - she just has to share it with everyone, and doesn't always think about the consequence. If you are her best friend, she will do her best to keep it quiet, namely by writing it down on little sticky notes and sticking it all over her room or house. It seems to work, since she often pulls them down by the time company comes, but she sometimes forgets one or two. And company sometimes finds them.
Latte absolutely loves books. Fiction, nonfiction, fantasy, sci-fi, all books are important in the eyes of Latte. She likes going the the library, and is on good terms with the librarians there, even if she doesn't put the ooks she puts back in the right place. One of her favorite places to read is at home curled up on her bed. You can find her there quite often, reading through new book she bought, or rereading an old favorite. If she could live anywhere she wanted, she would lie in a library so she could read all the books she possibly could.
Easily Offended
Be careful what you say around Latte, you could offend her. Get on the wrong side of her political opinion, say another type of coffee is better than the one she likes, or something rather tiny really, Latte will take offense.The feelings do go away after a while, and she has become numb to the editors, but everyday people can offend her quite easily. Sometimes it is hard to make friends with her because of this, but she tries to keep from being offended when around her good friends.
Latte will find ways to give something to those she interacts with. It might be cookies from the bakery she enjoys, or a day out to lunch, or even money if she has extra, Latte wants to give to people. She will give money to charities that she trusts, and will just generally give a little extra. Especially if she likes you. She still will give you a small something if she has a decent interaction with you but you just don't give her much more of an opinion of you, but if she likes you she will give you a bit more. And no, she isn't bribing you, she is just giving,
Going to be on TV, even in the background? Better look good! Out in public? Better look cute so you can get noticed! Off to the bakery where that cute boy works that you like to talk to? Well, that calls for the awesomest look you can pull off. Latte is very concerned with her appearence, especially out in public, and can spend extra time fussing with her fur rather than cooking or something like that. One must wonder why, but in all honesty it is to impress people. These people include her boss, the people she sees on everyday commute, those she interviews, and herself.
-Monarch Butterflies
-Apple Cider
-Going out to eat
-Writing News
-May Day
-Cheesy Movies
-April Fools
-Chicken Nuggets
-Microwave Meals
Latte was born as the middlest middle child of a bunch of siblings. Always compared to her older and younger siblings, she was pretty annoyed really fast by others, and got offendedat any comparison. However, she was always asking questions ever since she actually could ask questions. She got some answers, and others, well, not so much. She was very excited to finally go to school, because then she could ask questions and get answers.

School was surprisingly boring, and she caught a major case of the grumpies when she could not have her questions answered. The first couple of months were the hardest, since she did not have any friends yet. Thankfully, friendship came in the form of a bright purple RPW Juliet, who soon became her best friend. The pair of them did everything together, and Juliet was perfectly alright with Latte's questions while Latte enjoyed listening to Juliet's fantasies.

Summer vacations were really fun for Latte, since Juliet's family had vacations, and Juliet liked to invite Latte. Latte's parents were all right with this since they still had a lot of kids to take care of, and one less kid for a time was good. They went to water parks, went on road trips, and had a lot of fun.

When she got to middle school, Latte was estatic when she found out that middle school had a school newspaper. Finally, an outlet for her questions to find out more, and share it with the world! However, it took a while for her to actually get in because they didn't know if she could actually be a writer. But once she proved herself, with encouragement from Juliet, she became a reporter for the school papers. She reported on many things, including cheerleader tryouts that Juliet was entering, and helped encourage her friend to do what she wanted.

And then, high school arrived. It was a bit tricky for Latte, since Juliet went to a different high school, but she acclimated fairly quickly nd made friends. She and Juliet still hung out whever possible, but Latte had other friends and other things that she did as well. Same with Juliet. Latte soon became a respected member of the school newspaper, and was one of the favorite reporters of many of the school because of how well written her reports were.

During high school, Latte got a part time job working at a local coffee shop, which gave her a taste of how interesting coffee could be if done right. Latte really enjoyed working there, and she was pleasantly surprised when she found that her best friend enjoyed the same coffee place that Latte worked at.

Latte decided to go to college to give her a chance to learn as much as she could to be hired by a newspaper that would give her a good amount of experience in reporting what happened in the real world, and not just in school. College was stressful, and she complained often to Juliet and her family about things. Juliet, who was also in college,completely sympathized. Once homework was done, the pair would spend long hours chatting over skype.

Once college was over, Latte got a job in a moderately big city for a low position in a newspaper. She rose through the ranks at a decent pace. She really enjoys working in this business and has been working there for a few years now. Fairly recently, she discovered a great bakery and made a friend in one of the workers, Almond.

  • Ear Bow - Latte's bow is extremely important to her. It is a long, thick red bow trimmed with brown lace on the ends. Her mother stitched the brown trim onto the edges, and Latte wears it almost all the time. She constantly washes it and keeps it clean. It is one of the few things she has from her childhood. Many have complimented her on it, and asked her where she got it, but she doesn't really know the store where the original ribbon, which was once an ordinary ribbon if a bit big, came from. She first got it at age 9, and has been keeping it safe ever since. She loves to wear it especially when going out in public, though she doesn't always wear it when at her job.
  • Tote Bag - A plain canvas tote bag with blue handles, it is what Latte carries with her all the time. She has slowly been decorating it with pins and glitter pens so that it isn't so plain, however that is usually on the side you don't see when she is out and about. It is like that so that it looks more professional when she goes out and interviews people. It contains her notepad, a large selection of pencils and pens, as well as a pencil sharpener and extra lead in case she runs out, and an eraser. It also holds some snacks, a water bottle, her mobile phone, her tablet, and a bluetooth keyboard for the tablet. The tote bag, while not very important, is something she got when she got her first job as a journalist for when she goes and needs to travel.
  • Short Cape - While the cape is generally for more formal settings, Latte likes her cape, a black silk one with brown drip patterns embroidered on to it. It was a birthday gift from Juliet a year ago, custom made. What Juliet did to have enough money to pay for this Latte doesn't know, but she appreciates it very much. Sometimes, Latte goes to dances, and since she doesn't particularly like dolling up she wears this wonderful cape. It isn't very long, just coming to a rest on her shoulders, but Latte feels like it outshines the best dresses in the world. It is normally carefully hung up just above her little table in her bedroom and she often likes to run her paws along the fabric.

Latte lives in a pretty big apartment building in downtown of the city she lives in. It is 7 stories tall and she lives on the fourth story.The building itself is a pale grey, with a big swimming pool really close by. The elevator is kept up to date and is really fast. Latte thinks it is a really fun elevator, especially since it seems to hve a brown carpet. Why would an elevator have a carpet? Latte doesn't know. The hall to her apartment is really close to the elevator, and is covered in a pleasing tan carpet. Her apartment is #421, a number which Latte thinks is interesting, but she isn't sure why. Her door has a quote from Hamlet on it, quoting the famous "To be, or not to be" passage.

Her door mat is shaped like a book and does not have any writing on it. The inside of the apartment is white, and the entryway and kitchen have tiles while the rest of the apartment is covered in carpet, except the bathroom which also has tiles. The kitchen and entryway are connected, so when you enter the kitchen is just on the right.

The kitchen is not its own room, and so leads into the living room, which has a big bookshelf that seems to be overflowing with books of all sorts. There is a blue couch which folds out into a bed for when Latte. A big flatscreen TV is across from the couch, which is in the center of the room. In the back right corner is a desk with a laptop computer. The desk is older and has a lot of drawers. Despite this, there are many pieces of paper coating the desk, failed write ups, drafts, letters, and all manner of things written or sent. Almost buried beneath piles of paper is a full color inkjet printer which Latte uses constantly. She is often buying big packs of paper because she uses it so frequently. The chair in front of the desk is a padded grey swivel chair, though sometimes it is a chair taken from the table that is in front of the counter that separates the kitchen from the living room. The table is rectangular and is big enough for four people, because Latte sometimes has company. It is made out of black plastic and the chairs are wooden. By the desk is a sliding door leading to the balcony where Latte keeps things she uses outside, like pool toys. The living room is just on the other side of the entry way, with no doors other than the one you go through to enter the apartment.

To the left of the entryway is a short hall leading off to the bathroom and bedroom. The bathroom as a basket full of books and magazines you can read as long as you don't destroy them, and has blue towels and a framed picture of a fish. The sink has cabinets underneath to keep toiletries and things like that. There is a bathtub with a blue curtain hung up on it. The toilet, the sink, and the bathtub are all made out of white porcelain, and this is the only bathroom in the entire apartment.

The bedroom is on the right of the bathroom, and the door has quotes from famous literature, pictures of fish and newspapers, and occasionally a do not disturb door hanger, even though no one else really lives there. Inside, a queen sized bed is shoved against the back wall. The walls are decorated with old newspapers and framed pictures of fish and her family. There is a window on the right wall giving her a good view of the street below. The bed is generally messy, only sometimes made up. The sheets are blue or tan depending on what is getting washed. A small desk holds a collection of memorabilia. The closet is next to the door, and is full of different outfits. The dresser is next to the desk on the left side of the room, and is small. There is a bookshelf next to the window, which is covered by a blue curtain with stars on it.
Latte works as a journalist, which has been her dream job ever since she was a middle schooler. The company she works for is a smaller newspaper in the city she lives in, and Latte is one of their top reporters. She goes out and interviews people so she can write articles and interviews accurate to the events she is reporting on. She has made lots of friends with the reporters there, and likes hellping the newbies figure out their place in the papers and gives them tips on how to write better. Latte has a strained relationship with the editors because he does not like having her work picked over, and they don't really like how offended she can get. They appear professionally cordial when they need to, but they share a mutual dislike with each other. The manager is pretty stern, however she is willing to listen when her employees have problems and issues. her job is wonderful, and Latte hopes she never gets fired or has to quit.
Mentarii - Female - 25 - Owner is me
Going to the library is something that Latte does often. Seeing Mentarii is, by extension, also something she does often since Mentarii spends most of her time at the library working there. The pair have bonded over books, even if Mentarii is not too fond of Journalists. She appreciates those who loves books much more than those who don't. And since Latte absolutely loves books, well, the two get along pretty well. Latte is constantly convincing Mentarii to become an editor of a book publishing company, but Mentarii refuses. Libraries are much more her thing after all.
Almond - Male - 21 - Owner is me
Almond is the cute boy who is also her friend who works at the local bakery. Latte met him one day when, after buying a cup of coffee on a bad day, she wandered her way into the bakery, ordered some cookies, and sat down to mope. He came to her table, sat down, and began to talk to her. Eventually, he managed to crack a smile out of Latte. Nowadays, she goes to the bakery, Piece of Cake, when she wants to see Almond and get a really cool cookie or other pastry. Sometimes she and Almond will hang out at a park when she is free.
Sycamore - Male - 19 - Owner is me
Latte does not particularly care for the 19 year old woodcarver. While she enjoys the works of art he makes, she does not really like being with him. He is too quiet, to unwilling to answer questions, and she does not appreciate that. He, in turn, is rather neutral on the subjects that she write about. The pair tend to avoid each other.
Silveny - Female - 13 - Owner is me
Because Silveny is still really young, Latte does not interact with her much. She will occasionally see her at the bakery, and it seems that Silveny admires Latte's skill at writing, since she peppers her with questions. Latte is understanding and answers these questions, however their interactions are limited otherwise.
Juliet - Female - 24 - Owner is me
Juliet is, and has been since childhood, Lattes very best friend. Latte has always cheered on Juliet whenever she tries something new, and even helps Juliet when she is stumped for ideas when it comes to big projects. Juliet in turn does the same for Latte. Of course, they have had their share of disagreements, including a really dumb one in retrospect about a homework assignment in their senior year. It really was quite dumb. However, they always get through their issues, even if it takes a few weeks. They bring each other sweet treats whenever they get the chance.
Corona - Female - 6 - Owner is me
Corona is a bit distrustful of Latte. Despite the fact that she has never formally met Latte and merely seen her on the street, Corona always hides behind one of her parents whenever she sees Latte. This saddens Latte, because she thinks that Corona is really cute, and she does not like being something that instills fear to a small child. Corona's parents apologize, but no one is really sure why Corona does not like Latte.
Wintersmith - Male - 31 - Owner is me
Wintersmith tends to bore Latte. She really is not very interested in nature, though she has to admit that the museum that he works at has some really nice newspaper history in one of its wings. She tries to make friends with him though, and she is at least friendly enough to have small chat with him. One cannot really call them friends though - more like acquaintances.
Marble - Male - 28 - Owner is me
Marble and Latte are good friends. Marble becoming a professor at a college gave her the drive to do good. She isn't normally very competitive, but Marble getting his dream inspired her to go and be better than she was before. It is a bit hard for her to understand why this drove her so. Perhaps it was the fact that he kept beating her at chess, even though he taught her how to be a good player. They play slow games of chess through email, and Latte keeps out a board on her side table to update his moves whenever he makes one. He does the same. It is the easiest way for them to play chess since he lives a long distance away.
Ajax - Male - 27 - Owner is me
Even though Ajax is Juliet's friend, Latte doesn't like him. She thinks he is much to quick to anger, much to angry at most anything to really function. She has noted his loyalty, however she does not find this to be an endearing trait when he is really quite angry about everything. He seems to tolerate her because they are both friends with Juliet, however she has a hard time tolerating him. He offends her a lot accidentally.
Why I want them// Latte is one of the prettiest RPWs I have ever seen. I felt an instant connection to her as soon as I saw her and her wonderful color scheme and markings. I got an idea for a journalist character as I thought about a shortened version of her original name, and I couldn't help but fall a little bit more in love with her. Her design is very replicate-able in my opinion, and I really like designs I can replicate. Her dripping chocolate designs are also way awesome! I love chocolate and sweets, and so I think she will be a wonderful RPW for me to own and draw.
What will you do with them?// She will become an important member in my RPW troupe, which I haven't quite figured out how everyone is with each other but hope to soon. I will end up shipping her, probably to one of my own RPWs, but I plan on doing lots of sketches of her in my sketchbook, and doing digital art of her. I am unsure if she will end up having pups yet, though I do hope to take care of her and love her and make her a valued RPW. Her story will be a part of many of my RPWs stories, though she has her own life, and it will not always be stuck with some other RPWs.