


7 years, 11 months ago


Derek Coburn

Biographical Information
NameDerek Coburn
Physical Information
Height5'9" [Average]
Weight~140-180 lbs [Average]
HairLight brown; thick, fluffy, and coarse
EyesLight brown; match hair
General Information
SexualityHeterosexual; accepting of polygamy
General AlignmentLawful good
General CultureAmerican with some Chinese background; he was quick to pick up on the more overt aspects of enlightened culture
AdoptedAugust 3rd 1992
Age [1992]Deemed 2
Age [2009]19
Age [2014]24
Age [2023]33
Significant OtherUe'Lara
ChildrenLux'Ue and [Rex'Ue]
Notable FriendsSoulska, Mathew, Usige
Setting of OriginOn Eatharyia, in [The Main City]
General Setting [2009-2023]America, in Virginia.
Usual Settings [2009-2023]
Around or in the cities of: Cardio, Luin, and Uykit. Often can be found at Kiba's Manor or the Valget Estate
Plot Significance
"World Ending Game"
Minor Neutral
"Derek's Initial Arc"
Major protagonist
"Soulska's Initial Arc"
Major protagonist
"The Fall"
Minor Neutral*
"Planet Elf"
Major protagonist

"...What?" -Derek, pretty much all of the time.

Derek is a lovable yet often dim-witted human raised eatharyian wanderer with an unrivaled knack for getting himself- and anyone who happens to be with him at the time- into absolutely ridiculous situations. 
He remained unaware of his origins until he met with Lylith, though that was not his introduction into the truth surrounding him and his life on earth. He became aware of earth's hidden truths on his own terms at the age of nineteen, during a serious of unusual coincidences that would soon become common place for him. Such adventures have lead him to meet all sorts of people, from influential figures such as Soulska and Myxuki, to those with far smaller roles in the grand scheme of things, such as Jane and Chihiro. Rather than impacting the world around him at large, Derek tends to influence people, often for the better, likely due to his cheerfully optimistic nature and often naive determination.


Derek is white skinned and stands at an average 5'9" with an equally average and unimpressive build. 

His hair is a dull tan brown, coarse, fluffy, and generally difficult to tame, especially since it usually reaches to past his shoulders. 

Derek's eyes are also match his hair in color. 


He tends to wear Chinese styled shirts with either jeans, cargo pants, or cargo shorts but is also apt to simply put on a simple t-shirt. Most of his shoes are slip-ons, and his few tennis shoes use Velcro straps rather than laces.

Usual Attire: Derek's usual attire consist of a Chinese-style shirt [Usually dark green], either with short or long sleeves, and either men's jeans or tan cargo shorts with plenty of pockets. The shirt is usually dark green, but can be a wide range of colors and possess simple designs, as long as it is kept relatively simple. For shoes, he tends to wear things that are more comfortable that nice looking. If he's wearing tennis shoes or a similarly styled shoe, then it's very likely that its velcro and he prefers slip-on shoes, and can tolerate wearing sandals or flip-flops. 

Alternate Usual Attire: If Derek isn't wearing a Chinese-style shirt, then he'll wear a simple T-Shirt, usually with some sort of graphic design along with either men's jeans or cargo shorts with plenty of pockets. For shoes, he tends to wear things that are more comfortable that nice looking. If he's wearing tennis shoes or a similarly styled shoe, then it's very likely that its velcro and he prefers slip-on shoes, and can tolerate wearing sandals or flip-flops.

Cold Weather Attire: Derek will don a hoodie or jacket for the winter and fall, and will not wear shorts; his shoes will also be limited to winter shoes. Most of his jackets are simple, perhaps with a basic graphic design or logo; he may own one or two nice Chinese-style coats to wear in somewhat more formal scenarios.

Future Design and Attire [~2019*-2023]

Derek now tends to pull his hair back into a usually messy ponytail with a scrunchie. Depending on the time of year and occasion his scrunchie of choice will vary.

His clothing tendencies have shifted to be a little more formal more often; he tends to wear Chinese styled shirts more often than used to, he no longer pairs the shirts with cargo shorts and instead wears more appropriate pants more often, 

Usual Attire: Later on he tends to wear somewhat nicer Chinese-style shirts more often and very rarely wears cargo shorts over jeans.

Formal Attire: Derek utilizes some very nice Chinese-style shirts, coats, and vests as formal attire, along with some nice black dress shoes.


In general, Derek is a very kind-hearted, determined individual with plenty of strengths and faults. He is well loved by many, even by those who never expected to find themselves enjoying his company. All in all, it is very difficult to dislike Derek.

Determination: Derek can be an incredibly determined person, especially when it comes to the welfare of others. If asked to do something by a friend, he will do it, no matter the difficulty; he holds on to an incredible persistence to follow through with what has been asked of him. This determined stubbornness is a very human trait wich benefits from Derek's natural hardiness. This determination can waver, however; especially when facing tasks that just seem incredibly impossible at second glance, as well as when it comes to many more personal goals and desires; Derek in that way is more fueled and pushed on by other people, rather than himself.

Inferiority: For a good while Derek struggles with a growing sense of his own inferiority in the face of the skills, knowledge,and abilities of others. He runs into and befriends incredibly wise, knowledgeable, kind, influential, and powerful people, which seems to highlight his own faults; he isn't too bright, he forgets things often, he's clumsy, he has no magic nor a genetic ability, he didn't go to college... Despite his optimism and love for interacting with others, it does tend to add up, especially since he desires to help others, but is often unable to due to his lack of skills. Gradually though Derek learns that he doesn't have to excel at those things; he is kind-hearted, determined, funny, and most importantly of all- loved and appreciated. Derek does not need to be incredibly powerful or smart, as he knows people who can do these things for him.

A good example of Derek's struggle with inferiority could be his lingering confusion over why Ue'Lara retains a genuine crush on him. He views Ue'Lara as incredibly capable, and rightfully so; she's intelligent, powerful, and quite attractive, not to mention that she is an incredibly successful member of Soulska's extensive and influential family. Despite having come to terms with his lackluster abilities, skills, and knowledge in other areas, this situation still sticks with him. He just can't grasp why Ue'Lara might prefer him, a clumsy and incredibly average individual over someone else. It takes him a while to get over this confusion and accept that he not only possesses traits that even the most influential of individuals lack, but that he really is a good match to Ue'Lara, despite his flaws.

Kindness: Derek is a naturally nice person and is quite likely to go out of his way to help someone else if he can- and sometimes, even when he probably can't. This makes him a great candidate for getting dragged into other people's adventure-filled shenanigans, for better or for worse.

Curiosity: In simple terms, Derek is just slightly more curious than any average human, though is no where near as insatiably curious as the usual eatharyian. He will naturally want to poke or touch a mysterious object, but would not be inclined to do so at the risk of injuring himself unless there was a good reason for doing so.

Clumsiness: Derek is not exactly... a well-coordinated individual.This is evident in his countless attempts to twirl sticks as if they were batons, which usually ends with him getting smacked in the face with said stick. This trait isn't any sort of extreme case but is certainly noticeable. What Derek lacks in dexterity he makes up for in other aspects.

Awkwardness: Social interactions can be difficult sometimes, even for outgoing, optimist folk like Derek. The main example of Derek's failing charisma is in some scenarios with Ue'Lara, more specifically, the scenarios in which she teases him.

Optimism: Derek's mindset is about as "glass half-full" as anyone could be. Despite whatever odds that may be stacked against him or his allies, Derek will remain determined and hopeful. This unwavering hopefulness could be viewed by many as naive and childish, but others could easily see the good that having such a supportive person could provide for a group.

Patience: As with other many other traits, Derek is moderately patient and has average reactions to being forced to wait around. Luckily for him, he doesn't usually have to be too incredibly patient- interesting happenings naturally find him, and for the most part, he's totally okay with this arrangement.

"Planet Elf"

Maintaining Morale: This is mostly present in the future- Derek, after getting over his issues with inferiority, realizes his uses and influence on others. As such, he finds it increasingly important to maintain his role as, essentially, comic relief and moral support- a beacon of pure optimism and cheer, which generally just comes to him naturally. [*This is partially speculation and prediction.]Howver, during the initial Planet Elf arc, Derek is not immune to the ills of the scenario. Naturally, the difficult shift gets at him, along with the entire rest of the situation. This leads to Derek trying to maintain his optimistic demeanor, even if it requires fake smile every now and then. He would hate to worry the others further, and fears the ill effect that he could have on the others; after all, even in hard times, he remained an optimistic individual, and this optimism can easily spread to others. Likewise, if his usual support fades, it could very well have a large impact n the overall morale of the family, and the last thing Derek wants is to be a source of stress for others, especially for those closest to him, such as Ue'Lara. Thus, for their sakes, he tries to keep his troubles to himself and continue to be his cheerful self. This likely fades with time, but for a while, his personality will be altered to fit this.

Voice and Dialogue

Derek's voice, as with many aspects of his character, is pretty average; not incredibly deep, or smooth, or memorable, but certainly not annoying either. he tends to sue common slang terms and often pauses in his dialogue when confused, lost, nervous, or embarrassed with the placeholders "Umm" "Uh" and "Err". He speaks very casually, making plenty of grammatical errors, and likely a few mispronunciations for more complex words, though he in no way sounds uneducated.

"So, uhh... I'm not the only one who's totally lost right now, right??"


  • Often says "Umm," "Uh," and the like, especially when he's nervous or embarrassed. 
  • Having been well trained as a child, it is a habit to pull back his hair when dealing with food or eating. He also knows better than to try to brush his hair in the kitchen, [But really, who would do that anyway.]


  • Geocaching, and/ or an equivalent AR game. 
  • Keeping tabs on the latest internet memes, complaints, trends, and shenanigans.
  • Twirling around his stick as if it were a baton- he only gets a hold of this little trick later on. He has hit himself in the face many-a-times.


  • Sushi [crunchy shrimp rolls and unagi with plenty of ginger.]
  • Hamburgers, seasoned curly fries, the marshmallows in lucky charms [*Or equivalent cereal].
  • Pizza rolls with ranch, Ritz crackers with EVERYTHING [Okay, maybe not everything, but close enough to it.]
  • Artificial orange flavored sodas, root beer, and cream soda.
  • Christmas and Halloween.
  • The color green, especially dark green.
  • Chinese-style shirts.
  • The city of Cardio and all of its related shenanigans.
  • Hong Chong's Restaurant.
  • Mainstream video games.


  • Heights.
  • Parallel parking.
  • When the people around him are sad or upset.
  • Discussing politics, especially with his parents- it's just not safe.
  • Convenience store sushi; a mistake one only makes once.
  • Rude customers, mostly due to his time working at both a convenience and grocery store.


  • Derek is motivated far more by other people, rather than by his own personal desires. With his in mind, Derek's goals tend to be oriented towards doing things for others; he wishes to help other people, tell stories, make people laugh, and generally just be there to support and help them if ever they need it.
  • Be a good person.


In Accordance to the Abilities of All Eatharyians: Derek is naturally mentally and physically enduring, able to take a hit or two and still be useful- well, as useful as someone like Derek can manage, anyway. This ability to endure and continue to function in tandem with his sheer determination and hopefulness creates his impressive ability to persevere despite the odds. He however doesn't have the same bonuses to certain mental traits due to a few after effects of Lylith's rushed memory tampering.

Lack of Magic: Being eatharyian, Derek can not do much of anything relating to magic.

Memory: Derek's memory isn't exactly stellar, though isn't absolutely atrocious either. This hindrance could stem from Lytlith's rushed memory manipulation.


Derek doesn't possess any sort of specialized knowledge and has a high school education. He isn't great at math, doesn't know all the rules to formal writing, and has only a basic understanding of music due to taking a chorus class. He does have knowledge and experience of how to work at both a convenience and grocery store due to having worked at both locations at one point.

Resources: Derek's greatest asset is without a doubt his resources, both in the form of possessions, potential possessions, and people that he knows. If Derek doesn't know a thing, then chances are that he knows someone who will. He has after all befriended such influential individuals as Kito, Kiba, Soulska, and Ue'Lara. 

Of the Enlightened World: Derek is well aware of the true nature of earth, though he never even tries to really understand magic, genetic abilities, and the like. He would rather just commit broad topics to memory rather than try to learn about the specifics of things that he can't even use.

Notable Possessions [2009-~2019]

Trusty Walking Stick: A simple stick [Likely a magnolia branch] that stays with him despite the odds. Some may very well be convinced that it has some sort of luck attribute, but then again, it could just be the unseeable plot-armor.

Cell Phone: Likely a Blackberry equivalent; his phone is never the newest model and isn't exactly in pristine condition.

Pocketknife: Received from his parents as a gift for his 16th birthday. [Example.]

Scrunchies: Most of his scrunchies are either black, dark green, gray, blue, or white. Normal hair bands either break or get lost in his hair. [Scrunchies, fancy scrunchie.]

Usual Inventory [2009-~2019]

  • His trusty walking stick
  • Cellphone
  • Pocket knife
  • At least one scrunchie

Notable Possessions [~2019-2023]

  • Messenger bag: A simple satchel for holding his possessions. [Example, example.]
  • Trusty Walking Stick+: His walking stick got an upgrade! Now it looks a little nicer
  • Some Bismuth:  But not just any bismuth- this bismuth is designed to null magic. Due to its somewhat crumbly nature, some of this bismuth has ended up as bismuth dust, which as it turns out is still an effective method of rendering a mage's abilities useless.  [Example, Wikipedia.]
  • "Useless" Button: A mysterious red button that may or may not do absolutely nothing.
  • A Bomb From Ue'lara: Ue'Lara asked him if he wanted a bismuth-laced bomb. The answer to that question should never be "no."


Usual Inventory [~2019-2023]

  • Satchel
  • Stick
  • Bismuth
  • A bomb from Ue'lara
  • "Useless" button
  • At least one scrunchie


Notable Possessions ["Planet Elf"]

  • His satchel
  • His stick
  • Some bismuth
  • "Useless" button




Through some sort of circumstances, Derek was with Myxuki and Lylith during the start of their civilization's space-time rejection. They used Derek to store some mental pass codes and information and spared him through Tsoras's manipulation of fate. This rushed memory altering likely stunted his potential, resulting in his poor memory and lack of eatharyian-specific mental traits.


August 3rd 1992

Derek is adopted by [*his mother] and [*His father], an American-Chinese couple living in Ukyit, the city north of Cardio, at the assumed age of two. His parents' background leads to some of his later cultural ties, though there isn't too much; mainly clothing, some food preferences, and some perhaps unexpected knowledge. This date is considered his birthday.



As a child, Derek was pretty average. He grew up in a middle-class family with no siblings but did have some neighborhood kids to play with. He did things that were pretty standard for a boy his age; he learned how ti both ride a bicycle and skateboard to a mediocre degree- all while injuring himself a good couple of times- and often did stupid things while playing with the boys in his neighborhood, as is expected. He didn't have any pets aside from the occasional short-lived fish or rodent but did get to interact with at least one or two dogs owned by some of the other kids. Even at a young age, he didn't have much of an idea of what eh wanted to do when he grew up; Derek remembers just making things up and answering the question with whatever was common for boys his age to want to do, but he never was passionate about any of those occupations. This trend continued even into high school.

A little tidbit; as a child Derek's pastimes and likes included: Playing a harmonica and kazoo, toying around with those toy keyboards, riding a bike and skateboard to a decent degree, for a while he was interested in photography, he enjoyed video games though often only owned knockoffs and less than stellar games, and he has always liked dogs ever since he got to play with his friend's golden retriever as a young kid. He would engage in roleplaying with the other kids, usually lead by an older pair of siblings in his neighborhood, in which the group often used sticks and pinecones as weapons. he would usually try to find the largest stick that he could easily lug around and claim that at his pretend weapon, which was usually a ridiculously large magic sword, or some sort of magic scythe.

In school, he made average grades and did average things; he wasn't great at math, didn't play any sort of instrument, played soccer for only a year or two, and he was in chorus for two years during middle school. He got into the occasional bit of trouble but generally was an overall decent student.

Derek's parents did want him to succeed and do well, but also didn't want to push him, perhaps due to their own upbringing. They instead focused on trying to teach him to be a good person, to be tolerant, accepting, and kind. They were , of course, proud when he made good grades and scolded him for doing poorly, but they never expected- though did of course desire- him to be some sort of huge financial successes. They valued his happiness over his educational and financial future, though still made sure to make it known that money is pretty important out in the adult world. 

As an extra note, his first incredibly clear memory is of a school field trip to a local zoo. The trip went well except for one little detail- due to some shenanigans that may or may not have been accidentally instigated by Derek, a kid got into a situation that leads him to be afraid of birds of all sorts for at least two years after the incident.


Early Adulthood [-February 2009]

Derek didn't go to college and instead tried his hand at work not long after he graduated from high school. His first job was at a convenience store, from which he either left or was fired [*You know the drill, future me.] before getting a job at a local grocery store. He only learned how to drive after he graduated- right after eh graduated, in fact- and was mostly taught by his father. He didn't get his own car, so instead drove his father's white pickup truck. 

He did a decent job at both the convenience and grocery store, and like with much of the rest of his past, he was just average. Derek was clumsy, and often forgot details, but was still always kind and optimistic. Because of this several regulars made his acquaintance, and he was generally well liked by co-workers despite his shortcomings. He was quick to do favors for others and even go far out of his ay to help a customer- whether the attempt was actually successful or not.

Despite having his own income he opted to remain with his parents. They didn't mind too much but made sure to tell him that he was free to do what he wanted; whether that be for him to stay with them or even make arrangements to leave for somewhere else.

As far as what he did in his free time: He often took advantage of his new found freedom- and ability to drive- by going downtown or to parks. He picked up on [*A Geocaching or AR game equivalent. Probably Geocaching, though maybe I'll come up with an alternative name for this universe.] and it quickly became huis main pastime, leading him to interesting places. At least once or twice he;s nearly gotten lost in some woods, but hey- he's at least really good at it now. He also played video games- especially since he could afford them now and followed popular TV shows. Just as he had been average in school and work, he was relatively mundane in his pastimes as well.


February 2009

[*The exact circumstances of this are still a work in progress. I just love leaving more work for future me, don't I.] At age 19, sometime in February 2009, Derek's views on the world were shifted. The exact occurrences take place after Derek either gets fired or leaves [*The drill. You know it.] his current grocery store job. In an attempt to cheer himself up he decided to use the rest of the day, or the next day [*Same drill.] to explore some woods [*Likely to Geocache or the equivalent]. He brings his walking stick and ends up using it to poke at suspicious looking muddy spots. It turns out that wandering around the woods after it rains is not the best idea. [Current Overview: Derek runs into a young mage, likely a young teenager toying around with fire. This, of course, catches Derek's attention. From there shenanigans ensue- I may or may not connect this mage girl to Jane's Inn. If I go this route, then the girl likely takes Derek there in hopes that Jane [Jane is likely the girl's mother's close friend] would be better able to help her mend the issue. There Derek perhaps meets Chang, and likely gets dragged into a short adventure. he eventually goes back home with his new knowledge of the world and continues his mundane life keeping the secrets he now knows from his family. he then views the world differently, knowing that there is more to it...suddenly it all seems so much more interesting and explorable. This could very well be the formation of a goal, or the emergence of some curiosity. he had fun on his adventure, so perhaps, there are others that will answer more questions. Lucky for him, he doesn't exactly have to search these out.]


 March 2009

[*Once again, the exact circumstances are a bit outdated and needs fixed.] Derek is introduced to Kiba's folks... at age 19... [Current Overview: Something or someone brings Derek to Cardio. Perhaps he saved up and decides to go there, or if he kept in touch with Jane and his new mage-y friends they could very well take him to show him more of the enlightened world- perhaps the mage or her mother plan to buy something fro the enlightened community for Jane and her spell crafting. either way, Derek likely ends up in some woods again and gets a little bit lost. as probability or fate would have it, he stumbles across Kiba's place. Thus, he meets the crew and gets involved in a little bit of adventure-y plot to secure his relations. ]


July 2010

[*This is sort of iffy as well.] [Current Overview: During another trip to Cardio, and another bit of wandering around the woods in search of well-hidden Tupperware, Derek happens across the arrival of Soulska and Keya, two beings that forced their way from their own universe and into Kito's. The pair uses Derek to learn English to help with the whole communicating thing and quickly get Derek's less than an ideal briefing on why they shouldn't fly around and use magic around people. Derek sticks around with them, and thus, the shenanigans begin.] [At some point he meets Collin and Lilly, who get involved in Soulska stuff.] 


January/March 2014: "Teresa Takeover"

[*Also iffy.] [Derek is ~24] Gourde shows up, Derek steals his staff, is involved with some of this. [Current Overview: Having regained his memory, Collin once again makes plans to topple the Global Government- or at least take out some tiny chunks. I still need to fix what his actual plan is. This succeeds at first, at least somewhat, though not for long. Reinforcements from London arrive at the Valget house in the form of Sheamus, Hellen, Gourde, and Quinn. This ends up in a fight between Gourde and the Valgets, though with Gourde's staff canceling out magic, the Valget's remain at a heavy disadvantage. That is until Derek heroically swoops in and manages to momentarily confuse Gourde by swapping his staff with his stick through a seriously lucky maneuver. Magic returned to the area, leveling the battlefield.]


October 2023M: The Fall 

[His involvement needs to be fixed up a bit.] Near disaster...


October 2023F: The Fall

[This also needs to be patched up.]The Fall occurs...


"Planet Elf"



Derek's Parents








  • Derek is right handed, but just barely not ambidextrous.
  • He is a careful driver, though still prefers to walk or ride a bike to places.
  • Chrismas is his favorite holiday, with Halloween coming at a close second.
  • One of my favorite Derek moments? When he stole Gourde's staff...
  • Due to his birthday, his zodiac sign is Leo.
  • Tends to collect stories both for the enlightened and normal folks.
  • Derek seems to fringe the two worlds.....*
  • If Derek were an animal he'd likely be either a tanuki or a red panda.
  • Derek seems to have the knack for getting himself and those around him into some often ridiculous shenanigans; especially when hanging around the cardio area.
  • He could probably fill the "lovable idiot" trope or some sort of comic relief.
  • If Derek had to be assigned to a Hogwarts house, he'd totally be in Hufflepuff.
  • Derek can do a silly British accent, though never with a straight face for very long.
  • As an idle thing that he does, Derek tends to twirl sticks around. This often ends in failure.
  • He is more of a dog person than a cat person.
  • Derek is the bulkiest of my eatharyian characters.
  • No matter how far away he is from home, Derek always makes sure to return to his family for Thanksgiving. They love hearing about his adventures- even though they are limited to the more mundane ones- and are perfectly fine with his constant wandering around. After all, he seems to be making a decent living and is incredibly happy with his decisions, which is what his parents desired most for him. They greatly appreciate his company, even if it is somewhat brief. Derek often comes to visit, if he can, for their birthdays, his own birthday, Christmas, and New Years.

Quotes and Excerpts

"I don't really have a reason to be so awkward about all this... I guess, I think...That I might have fallen for you at some point.

-Said by Derek to Ue'Lara in the RP "Welcome Back." It's a super sappy love confession, but it's also pretty adorable. 

 Author's notes

  • A simple phrase was created for whenever I have a hard time deciding which character to use for an RP; Every roleplay deserves Derek.
  • For a little while, my circle of friends made the term "Dereking" into a noun for doing a certain thing in Minecraft. 'Twas sillier times.
  • Derek's stick twirling thing comes from old RPs; Family and I would essentially lazily LARP, and who can resist twirling around a stick when it's in their possession? certainly not me, so now Derek shares in that curse. And yes, I've smacked myself by twirling sticks plenty of times.There's a reason that I was in band rather than color guard.
  • Derek's debut RP included such remarkable shenanigans as the introduction to his stick, [everyone wanted to steal it for some reason], Derek meeting a mind-reading talking rock dude, a run-in with a now retired character named Jasper who was from a completely separate story arc at that time, and an over usage of a multitude of confused lines from yours truly, as happens when one gets introduced to magic-y shenanigans and cat-women who try to steal your stuff constantly.
  • In my play-through of Miitopia, Derek played the role as my right hand man, the ever jubilant pop-star! Naturally, I set his personality to energetic. His most notable act was when he survived a hit due to his perk [fitting of his character,] buut was instantly KOd right after. Poor guy, but at least he tried.
    • His catchphrase in the game was simply, "What?"


  • Derek was originally going to be a Timelord- like from Doctor Who- who was oblivious of what he was. This was abandoned for obvious reasons.
  • Derek was also at some point going to be Lylith, but with his memories deleted and physical appearance changed. After a little while, I ended up loving both characters and ended the connection allowing both to exist at the same time.
  • Derek's personality and demeanor can be traced back to even before the whole Timelord thing, as I was messing around in an RP with some younger kids in my neighborhood and playing the role of a guy who could hear speak to trees. This proto-character had a hatred for pine trees, claiming that they were incredibly rude; this was a spur of the moment decision based on the fact that my dad cut his neck on a slash pine that had decided to live up to its name.


  • Derek is a very cheerful, happy go lucky sort of character, so should be usually be depicted as such. He can be drawn in any of his alternate designs, and images of him can stray from the reference pictures, with different specific clothes and slight alterations to his hairstyle. His hair is supposed to be a light brown- tan color, but some reference pictures stray from this. He's totally one to wear holiday-themed attire, so that's an option. 
  • Some clothing examples from Google: Shirt, shirt, shirt, shirt, shirt, shirt, shirt, winter coat, scrunchies, sweater.


  • Gypsy Bard || Though not all aspects of the song match him, certain verses and lines do.
    • [0:41-0:58] || I sort of relate this to Derek's own circumstances having been sent to earth and shedding all ties to a mysterious past, and yet still ending up involved with those very same forces that caused him to end up in his situation
    • [0:59-1:19] || I relate this to his attempt to cheer up others, many of whom who have endured some serious hardships or faces countless wrongdoings. [Because character creators are terrible to their creations.] It highlights his desire to help others as well as his sheer optimism.
    • Either way, the overall optimism in the tone and some of the lyrics despite some fo the darker aspects just sort of overall relates to Derek in my eyes.
  • Ohgodwhat Remix || This is just such a goofy sounding song and for whatever reason, that goofiness reminded me of Derek's goofiness, so there we go.