🍰Milquetoast ♔ ̖́- (Romarin (2018))




Romarin Lovelace Caverly

Retired design from 2018!

Grosss Old Bio Here ooo





Name: Romarin
Name meaning: Rosemary - Dew of the Sea
Nicknames: Rome, Rom, Rome, Marie, Mary, Rum, Buttermilk
Zodiac: Pisces
Age: 1.5 winters
Gender: Female

Pack Affiliation: Apache
Rank: Beta/Packmate

Species: Dog
Breed Build: Silken Windhound x Ibizan Hound | Springer Spaniel x Kooikerhondje (Spaniel mix in Hinterland)
Coat Color: Cream with lemon saddle and face markings as well as ticking/freckles and belton
Height: 20 in
Length: 3 ft and 2 in
Weight: 32 lbs


Pauline Brunner (Celestine) _f2u__let_s_go_in_the_garden_by_lamelamb








Sexual Orientation: Asexual
Romantic Orientation: Demiromantic

Romarin needs a previously established bond to even consider a romantic relationship

Long lasting relationships

Quick flings

Friends with benefits



INFP-A Adolescent ESTP-T • Glass half empty, glass half full • Well either way you won't be going thirsty • Count your blessings not your flaws • marigolds_by_alyssdream-dc1bd52.pngmarigolds_by_alyssdream-dc1bd52.png

| Positive |

| Creative | Childish | Caring | Rational | Curious |

Romarin is a very creative individual. She sees the world in an imaginative way. She sees pictures in this in which others would tilt their heads, just seeing with just their eyes and not their mind. She may enjoy making things like figures made of rocks/wood or mud paintings that would seem trivial to other wild animals. This creativity most likely stems from her interactions with humans, who are undoubtedly the most creative species. She uses logic to figure out problems and always tries to look at the problem in different ways to find the best outcome. She tries to deduct what happened by imagining herself as the one who did that action. Rom is young and has not yet experienced things that would shatter her childish ways. She enjoys a good play and is generally silly and likes to make jokes and dumb puns. She is immature but she can snap out of that and become serious if need be. She cares the most about her friends and would do anything for them. She is careful not to hurt their feelings, although she might do so without realizing. She'd sit with you and be your shoulder to cry on. Though she mainly cares for her friends, she feels for some strangers and wouldn't want anyone to come to any harm and would actively try and help another. Romarin is a curious canine who is always looking for something interesting. She imagines pictures in things and would find any hole or cave especially curious and would travel inside just to see what they would hold. but sometimes this leads to her getting her head a little stuck in holes of trees.

| Neutral |

| Sarcastic | Stubborn | Temper | Rarely Speaks Her Mind | Sometimes Lackadaisical | Submissive | Wary | Wishes to Please |

Rome is sarcastic at times. Some that understand it may find it amusing or will string it along, but sometimes Romarin might offend someone, as they may not know it is sarcasm. Rom will stubbornly stick with her opinions until she sees her's is irrational. She would stick with her plans till they fail. she would not change her opinions on something she dislikes/likes if pushed by another, but would only do so if she herself decides she now likes/dislikes it. Romarin is generally aloof and passive to most things, but when something is especially exciting she will show that excitement, sometimes more than other times. Romarin can only handle annoyance or anger for so long before snapping. She would yell very loudly and if you continue to annoy her she will usually bite you, not too hard, but hard enough to hurt. If she does not bite she will most likely walk away and leave you. On some days though she does not have much patience for things, she is usually grumpy if you mess with her and won't talk to you for a while if you bother her too much that day. Although stubborn about her opinions she will most likely not actively share them, fearing she may offend/anger/hurt someone or be put down, depending on the situation. She usually will just sit back and let others come up with the plan. Often lacks enthusiasm on the outside, which makes her seem like she doesn't really care when in fact she does. Rom is rather submissive towards authority, not resisting instructions even if she doesn't agree with them. Sometimes argues against them but gives up and accepts it. She is less submissive with closer peers, especially depending on the situation. She is wary going into certain situations, being curious. She is also wary of others and is careful around them, not wanting to hurt them. Romarin often wants to please others deep down. She will be silently hurt if her actions are received very negatively.

| Negative |

|Shy/Socially Anxious | Bit Finicky | Lazy | Awkward | Locks Emotions Inside | Cynical | Trust Issues | Afraid To Mess Up | Fears Being Abandoned |

Rom is nervous and timid around new company. She doesn't say much and cannot keep eye constant contact. When she meets too many others at once she starts becoming more anxious, especially if forced to interact with them. After a lot of socialization with many others, she feels drained and seeks isolation to take a nap or just wander by herself, but will start to feel guilty if she stays away too long, so she won't stay away for very long. Sometimes can be a finicky eater if her environment allows for it. When food is plentiful she will strongly decide not to eat certain things (Such as baby animals), But if food is scarce she must eat what she must. Romarin is a bit lazy. She might sleep half the day and not want to do a thing, but she does have some sense of responsibility. If something needs to be done she will do it, though she may procrastinate doing it a bit.» She may make awkward conversation since she doesn't know how to communicate very well. She didn't interact much with other dogs at a younger age, thus has not gained insight on social cues. Rom locks deeper emotions and feelings inside herself, never speaking to anyone about them. She often lies about how she feels. She thinks she can trust no soul with them, so she just keeps them bundled up inside herself, which can be unhealthy. She mentally abuses herself because of her mistakes and sometimes isolates herself because of them. She can think things that aren't true and can go on believing them but they could be cleared up if she approached someone. She tries hard to seem indifferent on those subjects the outside and shields her heart. Rome often thinks others are lying for their benefit and expects no one to care about anyone else but themselves. She is honestly taken aback when someone responds with kindness to her. Romarin has a constant fear of messing up, especially with relationships. She tries her best to not mess up the things she does. When she does make a mistake she beats herself up about it. She especially tries to avoid hurting those close to her, fearing they'd leave her. She often holds her tongue and avoids taking sides or holds back her opinions. When she does make a mistake, even a little one, that hurts her friends she will constantly tear herself up inside about it, even if she is forgiven. She thinks they will leave her and forever hate her inside, even if it's not the case. She will get anxious about it and will tend to distance herself slightly from the one she hurt, fearing that they won't like her as much. Rom constantly fears being abandoned by her friends, leading her to be afraid of making any possible little mistake around them. Is sure she will be abandoned often but does not want to be constantly alone.





Nullam id est id turpis tincidunt sagittis quis vitae mi. Proin volutpat accumsan sem. Donec eget dolor sed metus pellentesque cursus quis sed libero. Donec vestibulum justo sem, quis sagittis nisl vestibulum et. Aenean dictum mauris at consectetur porta. Sed imperdiet vitae eros sed euismod. Nulla purus augue, iaculis nec ultricies vitae, tincidunt id libero. Integer condimentum semper metus, ut rutrum purus sollicitudin at. Nunc vestibulum ac augue ut aliquam. Integer ornare, quam eget posuere iaculis, lectus nibh commodo nisi, id finibus justo quam vel sem. Curabitur erat elit, tempus sit amet magna in, interdum gravida est. Cras convallis dictum fermentum. Vivamus placerat dapibus aliquet. Nulla vel scelerisque ex. Nullam dui lorem, varius sit amet tincidunt eu, maximus id orci. Proin consequat urna varius urna viverra, ac porta enim fringilla. Ut ac dapibus orci. Ut quis molestie leo. Fusce vel ante non elit ultrices placerat porta maximus dui. Aenean felis turpis, elementum at fringilla vel, vulputate at turpis. In sit amet sapien felis. In libero arcu, pharetra vel tortor tincidunt, eleifend hendrerit sapien. Maecenas ullamcorper volutpat mi, nec aliquet nulla. Cras sed lacus ut nibh aliquet vestibulum sed quis tellus.







