
8 years, 6 days ago

Basic Info






Panther Khala


Arya assumes that her family is still alive back on the Whispering Isles. As she is no longer a Trun elf there is very little contact to her family. They assume she is still one of the 'Lost Ones' and will return home one day.


Adventurer, Beastmaster, Bladedancer, Warrior, Scout of the Primordial Forest, Warder

Physical Description

Arya stands at about 5 feet tall with black fur and bright red hair. Her eyes are light green. In her years of being an adventurer, she has collected a number of scars from fights. Most Clothing wise she wears a tighter fitting shirt, pants, and armor of black leather.


Arya is far too curious for her own good. This curiosity of the world drove her to leave her home and adventure. She also has a mischief streak a mile wide, loving to cause trouble where she can. Almost ironically she has a deep respect for the nobles of the lands of Fury, and will always address them with the proper manners that other nobility don't consistently get. She is fiercely loyal to the khala village, and if asked by Lee, the leader, she will do what he asks of her. If something is a threat to herself, her friends, or the people she protects, she will deal with said threat in any manner. Even if that includes committing murder.


2 Short swords, 2 daggers, a hand mirror that has some magic to it, a pair of scalemail bracers in black with silver accents


Her Story

Arya fought to help free the capital city, Mythamber, from being infested with Undead. There she killed, on orders from the council of elders, a khala necromancer. He was left without the rights to the dead being performed. His pelt taken to the elders as proof of justice being served. In a part of a ritual to force the Undead out, she took on a trait of the Plane of Moon, and settled her desires to gain an allegiance to the plane of Moon.

Her first visit to Varingard was brought about with another request from Lee, the leader of her village, to investigate a khala there who was a potential danger to her kind with the research he was doing. There she felt the efects imediatly on arriving to the gathering. Arya wanted to hunt, to face combat, and her strikes were stronger against her enemies. She learned the khala was an alchemist who was making an elixr that at first seemed good, it made her kind stronger. However it would prove to be a toxin after prolonged exposure. It had an effect on her, causing her to go into a frenzy, desiring only combat and having to be knocked unconcious by her friends in order to stop.

That sealed the alchemist's fate. Not only was his toxin a danger to her people, it caused her to harm her friends. She gathered a group of friends to assist her before confronting him. He was killed after a lengthy battle. 

While in Varingard, Arya was approached to join the Order of Warders. An order that served the lands of Lorne and safeguarded a form of travel along with many secrets. She agreed to join, and is currently safeguarding an item from a former member of the Order who would use it for... not noble persuits. Later in the year she returned to see if she could learn more of the Order. While there the item changed shape to that of a seemingly normal hand mirror. It was at the gathering that she also ran across her first encounter with those that would hunt her, Zarafi, and the item. 

It did not help that half the town also saw her being exposed by the creatures. It took a bit of careful explaining to avoid giving anything away while assuring her friends that what she was tangled up in wasn't anything to worry about.

She was able to return by the next gathering in the early summer. There her and Zarafi completed the ritual with the mirror that marked them as full members of the Order. The Old Man turned into a tree after helping them, and they discovered just exactly what the mirror they had was. A pocket dimension. One that once inside no weapon could be drawn against another and no spell would be able to be cast with harmful intent. It was a safe place to meet without being overheard, or to take a rest in a battle without fear of monsters.

Of course they were still hunted. The Nobility of the town were informed and asked for help should the tainted sun creatures attack townsfolk. While she wasn't entirely pleased with how that was handled, Arya agreed that it was a needed measure as the mirror could only be used in the lands of Varinguard.

Arya returned home in time to see a smaller Khala village be attacked by darklings and unable to help. She couldn't pass through the bubble of darkness. After the battle with Adventurers, rebuilding efforts went out in force. Adventuring for her, was to be put on hold until her people were safe again.