


4 years, 10 months ago


Ares is a smol 17 year old underwater Fariin. The city is unconscious of the fact that the kings life is slowly coming to an end. Because the king has no sons, his only option was to choose a young child to be next in line. All the young males in the kingdom were tested, and Ares was the only one to pass. As each lesson and day passes, he is oblivious of his master's nearing death.

He has messy golden hair and dark teal eyes. All gold on him (except his hair) glows in the dark. His wings reach down to his knees.  The design on his chest goes down to his stomach. 

He is pretty arrogant and he tends to brag a lot about being next in line to the throne (I mean who wouldn't??). Ares is a very curious child. He gets himself into a lot of places he probably should not be. He is extremely energetic and can't really sit still (like a 5 year old who had a lot of sugar). Aside from his childish attidude, he is very smart and practical.


html by storyteIIer