


8 years, 16 days ago

Basic Info

Current Name:

Ashton Ramon


Unknown.. he's forgotten what it was.


600-650 yrs





Sexual Orientation:

Mainly seduces women but doesn't care one way or the other.


Technology, Culture, hot tub, new things, exploring, talking, learning, teasing


Solitude forlongperoidsoftime, Annalise, past, conflict, fighting

Main Skills:

Mastery at Mindcontrol and telepathy, can also create illusions to help him escape..


-Bio Summary-

Ashton was once a servant to a castle where the head of it was a vampire name Annalise. He began his work there to see his beloved who was a servant there. Secretly making his own garden elsewhere so he and his love could begin their own life.. wishing to marry and make a family with her. However, Annalise had fallen for the human and often would whisk Ashton away, controlling him and forcing him to be with her instead. Always blacking out and noticing his lover being distraught he was able to piece together what had been happening, and made plans to leave with his love that night. 

Much to his dismay, Annalise had stopped them both. Furious and posessive, she tied both of them into a room and turned Ashton in front of his lover. She cackled and made sure that there was no way the weak Ashton could escape to have his first feed elsewhere.. and sadly.. Ashton under little control.. lost his will power and fed on his lover.. draining her dry. Coming too guilt, saddness and anger controlled him. Managing to escape leaving with Annalise a curse that she would never have him for as long as his eternal damnation lasts. 

Ashton escaping with his lover's dead corpse in his arms he got as far away as he could, dropping under the forest brush from exhaustion. He weeped and slept beside his lover's corpse til nightfall. He buried her with much sadness before escaping to live the remainder of his life as a vampire.

For centuaries, Ashton went through many aliases. He married many women and raised many children, often adopting or taking care of children his wife came with unable to bare any. He would live with them for some years before pretending to die or disappear without a word to repeat his life again. He would marry or try to into more wealthy homes, wishing to experience the best of what was offered. He had many jobs and learned many skills throughtout his life time.. travelled many places and learned many languages.

Ashton currently resides in a penthouse earned from his own wealth, becoming a famous model. He indulges into his wealth and constantly learning the new technology, wishing to never be left behind in the past. Preferring to always move with the present. He currently has no relationships, avoiding having one as he had become too numb that mere relationships don't feel quite right anymore. Never forgets the day he was turn and the only memory he has that evokes emotion from him.