


5 years, 12 days ago


Gender – Female
Race – Human

Age – 23
Height – 
Weight – 
Appearance and Notable Features – Short, lean, fierce eyes, green hair.
Place of Origin – 
Currently Resides – 
Family – Assumes her mom and dad are still alive. She doesn’t talk to them anymore because they would disapprove of her work environment.
Occupations (Current and Former) – Gun for hire.  Will even kill for the right price and conditions. 

Magic – 

Fire Gun: Imbued with the power of a fire imp. Shoots fireballs at a target. -6 (Counter:Water)

Lightning Gun: imbued with a lightning bug imp.  Sends out a jolt of lightning. -5  (Counter:earth)

Physical Weaknesses- Short.
Personality Flaws – Can be rude and hard to get along with. Tends to rub people the wrong way. Gambling problem.
Personality – Brash, bold, rude, fiery
Hobbies/Interests – Secretly loves Chocolate

Dreams/Aspirations – Retire on a private island someday with lots of money and not a care in the world.

Backstory – Paige didn’t grow up in a bad home or going through something tragic that changed her life.  She had a mom and dad that treated her well but she was a rebel and probably didn’t show them she was thankful nearly enough.  At one point she started to become an errand runner till she started to gain more street smarts.  The better she got the more jobs she had and eventually she moved on to much more risky jobs.  She knew this was her true calling the first time she was handed a magic gun.  The trill of pulling the trigger was unlike any other.  Paige would even girl, as long as she believed the person wasn’t innocent and for the right price of course.  She’s got some rough edges but deep down shes a good person who isn’t afraid to get her hands dirty.