Max (detailed profile)



5 years, 15 days ago



I don't need anger management, I need y'all to stop pissing me off.

Name : Maxine Ruth Boskovich
Nickname(s) –– Max, Cheeto (full: One Tough Cheeto Puff), Bastard, Lil' Puff Daddy Jr.
species : domestic cat mix
Age : 19
Birthday : May 8th, 2002
Pronouns : she/they
MBTI : esfp
Enneagram : 6w7
Sexuality : bisexual
Playlist :content
Pinterest :content

Summary : She’s perpetually annoyed by her tiny stature (she stands at a whopping 4’11” or 150 cm). She has narrow shoulders and a small bust, but wider hips; she’s soft around her middle with a bit of a tummy. Her body is covered with many scars and bruises from skating and stupidity incidents. Her black hair is curly, short, and unkempt; according to Tony, her hair looks like a borderline mullet. She has dark grey tabby markings and lighter warm grey fur with some white markings: a lock on her chest and white paws. Her face is round and wide in shape with typical feline features and medium ears. She has medium-length fur and a thick, bushy, average length tail. Her nose and paw pads are both brick colored. Her eyes are forest green. .
Height : 4'11"/150 cm
Body Type : endo/meso
Scars : mostly battered from skateboarding
Piercings/tattoos : two studs in each ear, one orbital in left ear, snake bites, and septum ring; tattoo wise: ratbert the rat on her lower left forearm, casper (flip) the friendly ghost on her left arm, badass demon kitty headshot on her upper right arm by her shoulder, flowers (lilies, baby's breath, forget-me-nots, and leaves) wrapping around her left arm, possum! on her upper left arm, little bees by the flowers, broken bone with exclamation by her left elbow, and i'm fine cat with sword through its head on her left arm
Aesthetic : lil' edgy skater with touches of grunge and punk; her wardrobe includes: big hoodies and hooded sweatshirts, jeans (ripped, generally relaxed or straight cut), cargo pants, carpenter/work pants, band shirts and graphic tees, flannels, work jackets, baseball caps and snapbacks, beanies, skate shoes (generally Vans, Etnies, DC, and Adidas), combat boots, wristbands, grommet belts, belt chains, chokers, surfer-styled necklaces

humourous . sarcastic . stubborn

If this dumb bitch had a dollar for everytime she was sarcastic, she’d probably be a millionaire by now. She’s ridiculously snarky and sarcastic to the point where she has people asking if she craves death or wants to be punched in the face (which is a yes to both questions). Even though she’s a dumb asshole, she really would rather have everyone ignore the fact she’s pretty doubtful and cares about most stuff, like a lot.

Max generally wants to be left to do things at her own pace with little to no pressure. If pressure begins to rise, she’ll generally respond in her trademark stubbornness and become increasingly snarky and anxious. She tries to act chill, but she can be pretty high-strung and stubborn—she cares about how others view her and wants to feel included more than she lets on and she’s easily annoyed by people which is often expressed in either sarcastic and derisive remarks or humor. She loves being a dramatic bitch, but mostly for humorous exaggeration. She could also be an Olympic gold medalist at holding grudges.

Max wants others to see her as a self-assured bad bitch, but she is most assuredly not one. She's a feral rat bastard clown. She has a hard time expressing with talking through issues and being open about her emotions, but she’s really good at funneling her anger into making fun of her problems. She has a good sense of humor and generally deflects with humor to ensure people are laughing with her rather than at her. But, as soon as someone starts peeling back her humor and notices her insecurities, she’ll quickly become defensive.

She really wants others to trust her despite her lack of trust in others. Due to her negative mindset, she generally assumes the worst-case scenarios in a lot of instances and may have issues with trusting others, but she makes it a point in her life to keep track of her commitments and be authentic to have others trust her. You can bet your ass if she forgets to return something she borrowed, she’ll be nervously imagining how she’s probably gonna be later obliterated for forgetting her promise and how she’s a horrible being.

They may be somewhat oblivious to certain social conventions, but really observant of their environment and generally notice things before anyone else. They’re the person who would notice someone fishy is standing at the corner or how fuckin tall the Drop Zone is and fuck no, they are not stepping foot on that thing. They’re fairly independent and content doing their own thing a lot of the time. Although their stubbornness may make them come off as a jackass, they have strong-willed convictions—they know what they think and will stand by it. They generally seem like an angry edgelord (which isn’t wrong…) but they’re very soft. Like hilariously soft at times; they’ll go from edgy bastard to excited puppy in less than five seconds when they’re talking about something they’re enthusiastic about.

Although she may openly tease her friends, she deeply cares for them and will always be willing to offer them support when needed. She’s not big on expressing her care in a verbal manner (besides teasing), but she will generally show her appreciation for others by doing things for them. She’s reliable for offering the straight truth and if they’re too scared to fight for themselves, she’s not afraid to get dirty on their behalf.

  • Monster Energy drink & coffee
  • skateboarding
  • skate culture & skate fashion
  • possums & rats
  • sarcasm, dark & self-deprecating humor
  • visual arts (tattoos & drawing)
  • oreo milkshakes
  • weed
  • baggy clothes
  • cats
  • hypocrites
  • preachy & controlling people
  • her dad
  • waking up early
  • her height
  • vulnerability
  • humidity
  • tight clothes
  • most authority figures
  • being called "lazy" or a "slacker"
  • being pitied
Fears :
  • she's uncomfortable with having expectations set upon her because she's used to failing to meet them and so she's fearful of this vulnerability because she expects to disappoint
  • she's scared of asking for help with things that everyone else seems to have no problem doing what she struggles with
  • she's insecure about her difficulties with trusting people and that they'll do the right thing; she wishes she could be more open with less concern
Habits :
  • is literally the only one to always unironically say "yo"
  • diagnosed with dyslexia when she was 8, and is very sensitive about her reading abilities- has issues with self-esteem largely because of her dyslexia and how it was handled when she was little
  • likes to give others nicknames- especially affectionately (i.e Pocky, Merlin Boy, etc.); and she has an extensive list of nicknames herself such as Lil' Puff Daddy Jr. (her pseudo Soundcloud rapper name) and Cheeto (the longer form being One Tough Cheeto Puff), but call her Maxine or Maxie and she'll likely threaten to boil your bones or kick you
  • loves to listen to music and play instruments (especially guitar and bass); she's pretty chill with most genres, but her favorites include post-hardcore, punk rock, midwest emo, mathrock, hardcore punk, alternative metal, and shoegaze
  • her favorite bands include Title Fight, Deftones, Khaki Cuffs, Snowing, Wavves, Merchant Ships, Modern Baseball, Dikembe, PUP, Bring Me The Horizon, Rest Ashore, Joyce Manor, Citizen, Fugazi, and Narrowhead
  • she's the lead guitarist and vocals in a band she, August, and Tony formed named 'Pet Possum'
  • she skateboards often and generally prefers street and technical skating; she rides regular; her favorite brands include Anti-Hero, Krooked, Fucking Awesome, Deathwish, and Real, and she has an insanely long list of favortie skaters (but she likes John Cardiel, Pedro Delfino, Ishod Wair, Daewon Song, Yuto Horigome, and Loiue Lopez )
  • very irresponsible when it comes to her body and injuries, and generally always has at least one small wound

Being a Bastard
Sarcastic Remarks
Caring What You Think

Phoenix Boskovich [mother] : Max is lowkey a mama’s girl, but will never outright say it; “yo mama” jokes means she will initiate a knife fight.
Ash Sepulveda [father] : Dickhead. She has pretty much made it a sport to piss off her dad and skate in front of the building at his work where she’s thrown out. Every. Single. Time. No one will be surprised when her ass is in prison and no one volunteers to bail her.
Carmen Boskovich [twin sister] : Carmen thinks Max is stupid. Max thinks Carmen is stupid. Riveting.
Felix Boskovich [younger brother] : Max constantly teases him, but like, out of love.
Tony Webb [best bro] : Tony + Max = Stupid Squared
Pocky Chevert ["no i'm not blushing"] : The two of them should logically mix together about as well as oil and water, yet can't lie they sorta understand each other, and while sometimes he annoys her, she normally finds his quirks adorable. Bonus, she loves giving him fun nicknames like Pocky and Merlin Boy.
August Gibbs [super cool cousin] : The only person who truly gets her but not really. Max thinks she’s super cool and likes doing stupid and reckless shit with her. Hell yeah!
Josie Abernathy [pretty cool] : Vaguely reminds her of Pocky, but more… trendy? And less twitchy. Likes how she does stuff for the art. Sometimes seems a little vain and overbearing.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis tincidunt velit ac tincidunt commodo. Nam nec ligula sit amet neque tincidunt efficitur et dapibus justo. Aliquam erat volutpat. Morbi at massa egestas, dignissim elit ut, fringilla tellus.

Curabitur maximus sit amet neque pellentesque consequat. Curabitur dapibus dui ac fermentum fringilla. Aenean varius ornare urna, non luctus augue tristique a. Donec tortor ex, fringilla sit amet dignissim et, lobortis sed sem. Integer rhoncus lectus erat, in rhoncus ligula rhoncus sed. Nunc pellentesque massa nec orci vehicula malesuada.

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