Honey Pie GELF



Name: Honey Pie

Manufacturer: LiliumTec

Code: C7-H10-O2-G1

Mental Age: 30

Original Purpose: Nanny

Current Job: Mix Artist and Score Designer for the Band 'Skeletunes'

Physical Description: Honey Pie Stands at 3'0" and has a rather 'Troll' like body shape with Stompy feet and oversized hands. They are made to resemble a Teddy Bear Hamster with golden tan and Cream colorations with Purple for their 'paw pads' and ear lining. Honey Pie is a fan of the color purple, so they tend to have a lot of purple in their wardrobe. 

Other: The Band’s Mix artist and score designer along with being the oldest GELF for this particular batch, they are very much a glamour GELF and likes the lime light. While they are into being in the spot light, Honey Pie is very much the current calm minded (Previously going to Eleanor before the Accident). Honey Pie does not like messy situations and tries to find the easiest possible solutions to Issues. Formally was a Nanny up until the GELF laws were passed. Honey Pie prefers Them and They as their pronouns.