Eon Lotus



5 years, 13 days ago


Name Eon Lotus
Age 18
Height 5'2" ft
Build Feminine
Species Nunuke
Gender Female
Pronouns She/Her
Orientation Bisexual (Masc Pref)
Residence On Xygoroth's Surface
Occupation Ice Cream Parlor Employee
Worth $9.50
Designer ink-palette



Eon is strange to say the least. She's extremely shy and quiet. She usually keeps to herself unless she really has to. She's socially awkward so she can say or do things that can make most people uncomfortable, like a little bit too much eye contact or oversharing her thoughts.

She has a tendency to be a lot less shy around people she likes! What sort of people do she usually end up liking a lot? People that don't want her around. She sees this as a strange way of playing hard-to-get, which just makes her even more adamant. This leads to stalker-ish behavior, which drives people away, of course.

This is why she's all on her own and she doesn't know that.


  • Limited Time-Then Forever Gone: Tail Goop Vegetations
  • Mixed Pearl Colors
  • Mixed Pearl Shapes
  • Bigger Pearl Sizes
  • Body Goop
  • Extra Eye (2)
  • Magnetic Area (Arms)
  • Different Horn-Eye Amount (2 Horn-4 Eye)
  • Missing Stinger
  • PomPom Material: Floral/Plant Type (40%)
  • PomPom Material: Glass Type (60%)

Total: 12 trait amount


  • She can skate real well!
  • She was born with an eye over flowing with goop so she can't see through her left eye at all.
  • She loves succulents! She has a small garden she tends to back at home.


Eon had never been the most social kid.

She was adopted and raised by a pair of paranoid Xynthii parents, so already they were wary and overprotective of her well-being while she was growing up. They never restricted her from going anywhere, but they did have an early curfew set for her. She needed to be home by 8 PM sharp.

Not that she liked going out anyway. She was quite shy as a kid.

As for why Eon's parents were the way that they are, they originally only wanted to adopt Eon as an infant to sacrifice her as part of a ritual for a money cult they used to be part of. She was just supposed to be something that they could kill off, they never expected to bond or develop a relationship with her. They used to believe that sacrificing orphans, kids who supposedly had nothing else to live for because they have no families, would help bring them more wealth, but they were growing suspicious of whether this actually worked or not once the cult leader's reputation started being questioned by the other members of their organization. Instead of just killing off Eon like planned, they just straight up ghosted from their cult instead and decided to start life anew.

Her ominous origin story aside, Eon did mostly live an average life. She was a little bit above middle-class when it came to income and was often comfortable in her own home. She never struggled to eat food or help her parents pay for the bills or anything like that. She never knew those financial troubles personally, but always knew about them since her Xynthii parents used to be dirt poor (before they joined they demonic money cult that would sacrifice orphans for wealth).

Her parents may have not been in their right of mind back then, but they were slowly able to regain their sense of reality after leaving their cult and deciding to raise Eon. They actually ended up being rather great parents, even if they were a bit overly cautious with where their daughter was and what she spent her free time doing.

While progressing into high school, Eon never really made any friends aside from annoying piece of shit that she grew to tolerate named Doody Head. Surprisingly enough, Doody actually understood Eon in ways that she didn't expect and she's been stuck to her like a parasite ever since that revelation.

Now that Eon's already graduated from high school, she's started working for an ice cream parlor shop. She's recently developed an unhealthy obsession on her Nunuke co-worker Andy, she finds his standoffish personality to be intriguing and wants to wear his skin be near him as much as possible.


Andy | co-worker/crush
Andy is Eon's co-worker back at the ice cream parlor. She has a huge crush on Andy, despite his very unpleasant treatment towards her. That might even be something that makes her so much more into him.
Doody | friend/roommate
Doody is her childhood friend and roommate. They currently share a rented house together. They both share very similar personality traits and are just weird around people. Unlike Doody, however, Eon is more quiet and shy about her social awkwardness.