Emil Hawthorne



5 years, 10 days ago


this is a super old bio, will revamp later

  • Birthday: January 2nd (Capricorn)
  • Family: mother, father, older sister. Parents also work for the Special Police, but were transferred abroad a few years ago. He’s ambitiously following in their footsteps.  
  • Has absolutely zero innate magical ability, which is fairly uncommon and would have greatly lowered his chances of getting into magical police academy. Hence the illegal contract- fake it til you make it? (summoning doesn’t require magic, it’s only ritual)
  • Always eager to actually do fieldwork and fight demons and shit, but usually gets stuck at the desk because he’s good at paperwork and teammates find him disagreeable.
  • The kind of guy who doesn’t own a pair of sweatpants and dresses properly even when home alone (when he’s looking proper he can at least pretend like he has it together)
  • Wardrobe: button ups, vests, terrible sweaters etc. Grayscale, blue, light pink, purple. Often keeps gloves on, also wears reading glasses when working.
  • That being said, he had an absolutely TERRIBLE scene phase in high school. And he’s still just as much of an edgelord, just hiding it under a tie. Won’t give up the dumb hair though.
  • Entertainment: Loves crime dramas and thrillers. Also loves documentaries about random shit that come on in the middle of the night, especially “how is x made” stuff and will excitedly share useless facts. Also loves soaps but won’t admit it. Can’t handle horror but is too proud to refuse.
  • Games: Loves strategy games, goes completely overboard. Pokemon IV breeding and EV training, min-maxing Fire Emblem characters, spreadsheets for everything. Absolutely terrible at anything requiring hand-eye coordination, but also competitive and a terrible sore loser. Do not let him play Mario Kart. (Al loves to challenge him bc he thinks it’s hilarious)
  • Other Hobbies: probably fucking…model trains idk. He seems like the type.