


5 years, 21 days ago


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  • Death
  • Mental Illness
  • Trauma

Nightfall Castle

A political conflict threatens Kowjo after a thousand years of peace. Unfortunately, the Kowjo Universal Alliance are missing a critical piece of their strategy, and in their fight to take it back, one of their agents seems to like sticking her nose in the worst places... but she might've hit the jackpot.



████ ███████ █████




Cis F


~1.000 y.o.


Chaser - Magi




█████████, █████ ██████




███ ██, 20██




ENTJ - The Commander



"You seem to be really lost..."

Oníria is a mysterious figure, who seems to live in the mansion nicknamed as Nightfall Castle. She's a socialite, but declines party invites on a regular basis, and few know about her past or present life. Nobody is sure where she got her money from, or what she does for a living.


Oníria has quite a personality. We're not sure if she's anxious, shy or just doesn't care to meet new people often. Very closed off about her past, she seems to have fun keeping secrets and dropping information that will only make others even more curious. The few who know her do say she's got a great sense of humor and a heart of gold. Despite being a bit sarcastic and a pain sometimes, she does want to help and talk about whatever.

She's been craving for something new to keep her head busy for centuries, though... she wishes it wasn't Regulus' disappearance. Having been associated with the spirit in the past, she's way more than annoyed at the incopetence of both Regulus for running away and the UA for not being able to find her. She's been dealing on and off with some superiors at the Alliance to hopefully try to get Regulus back, but her intuition says there's more to this situation. Yet, she avoids displaying her conflicting thoughts and just answers their questions to get things over with. In reality, she just wants to be left alone with her duties.


  • Sleeping
  • Drinking (alcohol/tea/anything)
  • Biology
  • Night time


  • Hot days
  • Noise
  • Waking up early
  • The UA







ACCESS DENI- oh, I can actually tell you a few things.

"Apart from the differences in the way I lived my teens because of just how long ago that was, a lot of things happened. I was about 18 when The Ending War happened, the last few days the ones who almost took my life. Before that, I was very involved in the business of hunting void demons, if you know those. I was training to be a huntress since I was 10, when I got.. my odd powers."

"Coming back to the whole Ending War thing... I don't think I've ever fully recovered from it. The physical and emotional stress from that nearly took my life when it happened, and even tried so in various ways afterwards. Though, you didn't need to hear me venting about my trauma, do you?"


"I've been an adult for a while, even if I wanted to I could never tell you enough details. My adult life wasn't interesting at first to be quite honest. I had a stable job in a field I was interested in, a very close relationship with my husband -- father of Hyperion and their two sisters. I had all three between my late 20's and early 30's, Hyperion being the middle one and the only immortal, like me. The girls lived their best lives, dying from... [...] old age. I'm sorry, this is kind of a touchy subject for me even after all this time."

"After my husband died, I took off my old lady disguise and pretty much disappeared into the night. I lost contact with everyone except Aegis for centuries, finding my own child about 600 years ago by this point. What I did or didn't do in that period of time is not something I'm willing to disclose. I got to buy this mansion about 80 years ago."

"I've 'died' quite a few times in my life, but I'd like to tell about my first. My husband had died a few years prior, and I was getting tired of the joint pain. The answer was so simple and stupid I thought it wouldn't work. Faked my death document thingies and told Aureolus to get some ashes from a fireplace and put it in a jar. Everyone thought I was cremated but as you see, I'm still whole. Apparently, they threw my ashes into the very sea of this town."


"Oh wow, you want to hear about how I'm doing now? Well... I was just minding my business, then you guys came inside. It's not really deep, is it? I guess I've been dealing on and off with the UA for a few months because of Regulus' disappearance. So far, they haven't found her, and it's starting to worry me, with this whole climate we're in."



  • Tough she likes sleeping, she hardly sleeps for long periods of time.
  • She's really good at dealing with cats.
  • She reads really fast and can burn through books in a few days.
  • Her home's garden is always really tidy. Shadowy creatures are often seen taking care of it.


  • Magic: She has magic powers, but won't describe them in further detail than just the word 'odd'.
  • Combat: Though she's a bit rusty, she was known back in the demon era as a great huntress.
  • Musically talented: She can play the violin, cello and bass on an advanced level. She can play the piano, but does it less often.
  • Quick math: She appears to have been in math-involved fields for quite a few years, and her way of thinking has evolved a lot over this time.


Strength 60

Dexterity 80

Constitution 50

Intelligence 80

Wisdom 80

Charisma 25



Oníria has a semi-pale skintone, her pointy ears and gem on her forehead are of a dark blue. Her eyes are of a dark amber color, with somewhat big eyelashes and thin pupils with a red highlight. She has wavy/curly long white hair, usually up on a half-bun, leaving her bangs to to hang as it wishes. She is of average height, and has a fairly athletic body with a fair bit of scars. Most notably, she has a scar that crosses the right side of her face, as well as one on her left cheek.


She usually wears an ankle length purple dress with a dark blue detail, a silvery sash around her waist acting as a belt, a pearl necklace, red & pink earrings and silver/dark blue heels.

She does have a full wardrobe I'm just lazy lol she usually has the same vibes, unless she's actively trying to blend in with crowds.


Hyperion child

In the past, Hyperion's relationship with Oníria was estranged, and she knew they kinda blamed her for their immortality, even just a bit. They've since mended and are now in good terms, Oníria trying her damn best to be a good mother. Hyperion thinks it's embarassing, though endearing.

Claire friend

Claire met Oníria through Aureolus a few hundred years ago, shocked that they knew each other for so long and still weren't really close friends, she worked to change that. They don't see each other much due to their jobs, but having an immortal friend at arm's reach really comforts Oníria.

Aureolus friend

It seems like they've known each since Oníria was fairly young. So, a loong time. She only confided in him for her troubles relating to immortality at first, for some sound advice. They did have a friendship, but when Claire came into the mix, they did get closer. He is seen hanging out in the Nightfall Castle a bit often.

Regulus ???

They've definitely known each other for a while, though why or how close they were is still a mystery.

Migi acquaintance

Migi just kinda... barged in, one day. Oníria is hesitant of her presence in the Nightfall Castle, but she'll allow it for now.

Hira acquaintance

Hira just kinda... barged in, one day. Oníria is hesitant of her presence in the Nightfall Castle, but she'll allow it for now.