


4 years, 11 months ago



Name Sebastian Willinghelm
Called Paradox
Gender Male
Age ??
DoB Sept. 18th XXXX
Sign Virgo
Height 5'10
Build Fit
Race Anomaly
Role Adventurer?


  • Journaling
  • Artwork
  • Mocha-flavored things
  • Cold Weather


  • Arguing
  • Heat
  • Sour Foods
  • Frogs


Extremely friendly to most any stranger. He is a natural at small talk. Anyone that speaks to him though needs to catch the aura of that of a seasoned veteran of a war. If someone is keen on people, they can tell this spunky personality is a thick layer of paint to hide the dark history underneath. If he thinks his home is being threatened, and more specifically his family, his friendly attitude melts away into an anger driven soul ready to fight, defeat, or even kill to protect those he loves.


Paradox grew up in Germany sometime in the mid 1800s (he can’t seem to remember himself). He grew up in a very disastrous home. His Mother was missing from the picture, and his father was a strict man who wasn’t afraid to use a hand to get his point across. Paradox grew up very poor, for his father was deep into drugs (selling) and drugs (taking). Money hardly flowed into the home for the boy’s survival.

As he grew older, his father’s habits struck him. He also was an incredibly angry boy. He was known to start fights, end fights, and even attempt murder to win a fight.
With drugs in his system and anger in his veins, he needed something to feed one of those habits. That’s when an advertisement caught his attention. It was looking for a volunteer to help in an experiment, and promised more money than the boy had ever seen in his entire life. There were no details of what the experiment entailed, but he was focused on the money.

He did not hesitate and offered himself up to the test. After too many physicals, and too many measurements, they finally told him what he was doing. They were trying to discover time travel and make it work for humans. He didn’t care much for the details past that. They popped him into the machine for the first human test run. The scientists began the test, and something went haywire. The machine became hot and the boy punched as hard he could against the window of the machine- but nobody dared to go near it. A rift in time and space opened and started to rip the lab apart- with the boy at the center.

The Gods must have smiled on him, because he survived…. Sorta. He woke from a sweaty sleep in the middle of a field in an unknown place. Around his a fire was sputtering out, and the ground was charred black. He stumbled his way towards a town, and found himself in now modern times. He couldn’t understand, and began to research as hard as he could about the experiment.

All that was released to the public those many years ago was that the machine exploded, and many of the staff died, or had their memory wiped of the experiment. The test subject was never heard from- and was presumed dead.

Suddenly, he felt for once not a hunger for drugs or a face to punch, but he hungered for comfort. The trauma he endured not just from this experiment, but from life was to never be answered for. Everyone involved is gone. Nobody was going to pay for the rage he carried his whole life. He always returned to that field after each day as he learned more and more. He held himself as the weight sank into his bones, and suddenly he was engulfed in flames.

He felt no pain, he felt closer to a fever than anything at all. When the flames subsided, he found himself on a planet sized mirror. He had somehow sent himself to a salt planet that was covered in water. It was night- and the night sky reflected off of the surface.

He never felt more alone in his life. Now he’s cursed with this ability, and everyone he knew was gone.

He wandered, struggling with his addiction needing fed. He started his quest rough- carrying his fighting habits with him even then. But the desire started to fade, and he for the first time in a long time felt pity to the beaten people. He saw his younger self, who was crumpled down by his own father, in the people he saw who were suffering from famine, war, or mistreatment.

That’s when Paradox was properly birthed. He started his life quest to help the weak. He jumped from planet to planet trying to help every life that he could.
In this process, he decided that field was his home base. Through the work he had done, he accumulated enough wealth to buy the land, and to make that place his true home. He discovered that this was on Keftan, an odd island on Earth where weird events, creatures, and objects called home. It was perfect.


Time Travel/Teleportation via Pyrokinesis

He can travel through time and space pretty much at will. The caveat to this is that he must be able to heat himself to extreme temperatures. So if he is at a location that is nearly subzero, he cannot teleport.
His travel can be done with guests, but that exerts a lot of energy for him to make sure the guests are not burned alive.
He can conjure flames, but this exerts a lot from him. Small flames like a lighter are an easy task, but casting them out like a flame thrower can easily wear him out.





Beloved partner, recently deceased.




Paradox goes back and forth on trusting and not trusting Psykis. Currently is neutral.