


Basic Info

Available for breedings;



Name: Nazira | Pronouns: she/her | Age Range: appears early-mid 20's | Orientation: homosexual

Nazira first saw Aella at a young age when she was aboard a slave ship. She watched Aella sink the ship and free the captives like an avenging goddess, and from the time she was just barely older than a child, until she was in her early twenties she served Aella as her high priestess. She was blessed then, and given eternal youth by Aella who had grown attached to her, and had been told by her own goddess-- Brizo-- to let the girl worship her. It wasn't until centuries passed that Nazira confessed her love to Aella after she had been comforting Aella when Aella had realized she was betrayed by Brizo and lied to. Aella, in turn, confessed her long-standing love for Nazira as well, and eventually the two of them were given an egg of their own, years after Nazira adopted Aella's first child Makani as her own. Their daughter together was named Haala. She's a priestess to Aella still and worships her, but she is also her proud mate and a mother of two beautiful children.

Her art can be found here.