Charlie Juno



4 years, 11 months ago


36386407_25y6sQ6UKBZOCaM.pngCharlie was raised in Star City, the capital of the Kappaclan. She was raised in a mixed household of half siblings who were Zetafloss, and her full siblings who were Alphafloss. Her childhood was chaos, as her and her siblings were constantly fighting and causing mayhem. As a young girl, Charlie got swept up with her older brother and his buddies who would skateboard around, do graffiti, and go to raves late at night. Charlie loved this sort of rebellious life and fit in real well with her brother and his buddies. Sometimes she would get picked on but her brother would always be there to beat up anyone who looked at her wrong.
She found a passion for dance and hip hop music and started to compete in dance competitions and battles and amazed everyone with her skill and creativity. However she did let this get to her head a bit. Charlie can be rough tongued, and condescending to others. But she means well at the end of the day, and is very self confident. She cares about her posse and her family and would do anything to protect them.

While at a dance battle ones, Charlie met a girl her age called DJ. They danced against one another and Charlie won easily. Charlie couldnt help but mock the noobie and rub it in her face, sparking a fierce  rivalry between the two teen girls. DJ worked very hard with the goal to  dance better than Charlie and for years these two went head to head  trying to one up one another. They started to see eye to eye, and help  each other out when there was something they both wanted to learn to do.  They began hanging out together at after parties and their rivalry  quickly turned into a close friendship.

One day while hanging out, DJ was nearly caught by the royal guards and her secret identity was revealed: DJ was actually DInah Juno, the princess of the Kappa Clan. Charlie was shocked but stood by her side even if she was the  princess. Though, she did use it to rib DJ from then on, calling her  "princess Dinah" when she wanted to ruffle her fur.

Their budding  friendship turned into passion as the two girls got older, and they  realized their feelings for one another were becoming romantic. Charlie wanted to come forward with their relationship but DJ was unsure. Her brother, Prince Akio, warned DJ that their parents would never accept Charlie as her partner,  due to her rough attitude and less than royal demeanor. She was a  girl from the streets, who was into music and slang and graffiti, it  was not someone that the King and Queen would take on happily as a member of  the royal family.

Charlie was determined to work hard to impress DJ's family and earn her right to be in DJ's life, but she never got the chance to meet them, because they were tragically killed along with Akio in a car accident.  

Charlie stuck it through this awful time that DJ was going through. She  never once thought about leaving DJ despite all the hardship and  responsibility that she was forced into so suddenly. Charlie didnt know  anything about being royal or running a clan at first, but she quickly  learned what to do and how to act and became one of DJ's greatest assets  in the early time of her rule over Kappa. Charlie moved heaven and  Earth to try to make things work for DJ and help her get back on her  feet and to this day Charlie is a political powerhouse in Kappa.
After  some years, when DJ had accepted the loss of her family, and adjusted  to the leadership role she was given, she asked Charlie to marry her,  and the two were wed. The people of Kappa rejoiced, knowing Charlie as a  capable and reliable leader and welcoming her as the second Queen of  Kappa.

Now the two rule over the kingdom, and have just started  having children of their own. They have a wee son, carried by DJ, who is  named after his late uncle, Akio Jr. He is a bright and bubbly little  kitten who loves to laugh and dance. And they have princess Melody, who  was carried by Charlie. she is just an infant and is very needy. They  plan to have more kids as time goes on but have all 8 hands full with  these two for now.