🌿 Landon Winslow, "Neil"



Landon Winslow, "Neil"

"It doesn't feel real."

Landon, a wretched figure trapped in the clutches of an eternal twilight.

 His once-pale skin now exhibits a sickly combination of various decaying shades. The areas of his body farthest from plump regions, like his fingertips, toes, nose, and ears, appear dark in hues of purple and red. These areas are the most affected by restricted blood flow. However, his plumper and fattier regions display lighter shades akin to bruised flesh.
He's cloaked in ragged attire, —a hollow void consuming his torn coat, revealing glimpses of his exposed spine. Twisted tendrils of vines and foliage coil around his curved backbone, cascading outward and trailing along the ground like pseudo tentacles.

A wandering forest creature with a frightening and startling appearance, dragging a metal bat with twisting barbed wire encircling the weapon, even the tips of the bat are spiked, seemingly digging into the creature's hand.

However, unfortunate encounters with Landon never prove to be fatal to the stranger, in fact, this creature seems more interested in harming himself than others.

Landon carries an unbearable burden, guilt, and self-hatred. As a child, he accidentally shot Gage Trussel in the head with an arrow.

The scoutmasters claimed Gage survived unharmed, or the story would change, they would say he was making a full recovery in some unnamed hospital, and Landon could never truly accept these stories. Yet, he was too young at the time to really do anything about it.

The memories of that fateful day cling to his mind—a piercing cry, the sickening crunch of the arrow hitting its mark, sliding through his head, how Gage had seized up in a twitching fit, and the eerie silence that followed after he was forced to look away.

Over time, Landon's intelligence led him to question the scoutmaster's deception. He realized the impossibility of surviving such a fatal blow. Even if Gage had somehow lived, he would be severely disabled. The scoutmasters had lied to him as a child, and Landon couldn't bear the weight of that knowledge.

Haunted by guilt, he changed his name repeatedly, hoping to escape the man he despised most: himself. He discarded identities like shedding skin, and experimented with different appearances, names, and eccentric attire.
His self-loathing grew with each passing day, the sight of his reflection tormented him, and he threw away all his mirrors, desperate to escape his own reflection.

And by fate, he does again cross paths with Gage Trussel, only to discover his worst fears come to life, —Landon had indeed killed the boy, and the reality of the situation was even far greater than he had ever realized, the horrors stretching beyond even his most profound nightmares.

This profoundly upsetting discovery sent Landon over the edge, and this revelation would be the final nail in his coffin.
