


5 years, 3 months ago


Name- Robbie, Robert

Gender- "male"

Species- rabbit, robot(in denial about it)

Age- mentally and physically appears 26, actually built 10 years prior

Height- 5' 6"

History- Robbie's memories of his life tend to get blurry when asked about his childhood. He swears something happened when in reality, it was all implanted by his creator. While at work one day, a fire started and Robbie was trapped in the building. When rescue workers finally found him, he was as alive as could be, but his body was ripped and burnt in spots by the fire, revealing the metallic skeleton and plush stuffing within him. Robbie has be in denial about himself since then and still swears he's a living being, not a cold machine... despite the fact he'll occasionally sew new patches on to keep himself functioning.