
✦ Basics

NameMars(Alien- G. Mars)(Human- Jules)
AgeAround his 20's
AlignmentNeutral evil
OccupationMajor General
✦ About

An invader from an other planet, Mars's goal is to infect, and conquer as many alien species and worlds as possible. Due to people from highest ranks giving him a semi-leader role in this mission, he takes great pride in his job. Scouting out lands and taking them over that is. The mission requires strategic thinking, a strict ruleset and a cold, formal attitude.

While this pride is great as motivation, it also comes with it's drawbacks. He likes to take anything he deems interesting enough and order around his privates. Some behavioural quirks may pop up every now and then. This makes him quite unliked as not many prefer to be bossed around, work too hard or interact with stingy people. The craving for influence, power and knowledge can outshine his conscience. Morals usually get pushed back when a chance comes up to get into higher ranks, or to build his image. Every once in a while higher-ups figure out his motivations and the attitude that comes with it so they may work against him.

He usually has a small group of underlings with him ready to infect otherworldly beings and start an invasion. These minions are also great scouts that travel across worlds to find others from their species that inhabit different planets. The discovered members of their own can provide valuable information and might be recruited.

✦ Off-work

It's surely the best time to get to know Mars better, however it's quite difficult to catch him outside of his working environment. He tends to overwork himself, this being a reason why his days-off are usually filled with sleeping or researching. It's not too easy for him to relax and care for his own health, it takes special people to recommend him to do so.

Mars enjoys discovering new places, travelling or making a good cup of tea. When not tormenting the general populaion or sleeping to his grave he is most likely in a calm and quiet place like a park or a cafe admiring his surroundings, reading something to collect information or getting samples of water and plants. He also grew a liking to board games, documentaries, theaters, orchestral music and tea/coffee that can be found on Earth. He however responds really bad to alcohol and has a hard time breathing in smoke. Mars also has a soft spot for children and he secretly hopes for a big family in his future.

On days like those he still wears something formal-looking. His behavior softens up when under less pressure. It's still challenging to break down the walls of his demeanor, however after some positive interactions he opens up a bit. It may seem it's not too hard to befriend him, but watch out! You can never know why he keeps you around.

✦ Likes
Collecting, conquering
Exploring new planets
Information trade
Being praised, climbing ranks
✦ Dislikes
Being questioned
Rebels, lackers, difficult people
Hickups in plans
Personal space breakers
✦ Details












✦ Extras

Voice Claim: Hubert
Theme Claim: Gustav Holst - Mars
Date of birth: January, 16, ????
Height: 5'9 ft / 180 cms

"Enemies are half brothers. I despised my brothers." 
-(Ceramic Mad -story WIP priv.)

✦ Relationships
T. BockHigher up (but kinda not)
Friend probably
✦ Trivia
● Mars has a spaceship/mothership that he           uses to house his minions and computers
● He really enjoys learning about other planets to come up with different tactics
● May or may not be a caffeine addict
● He takes liking in other soldier, noble and   high ranks who he may cooperate with

profile html by Hukiolukio