Denji (Den)



5 years, 2 days ago



Name: Denji or Den for short
Species: Folklore
Age: Young Adult
Gender: Male
Personality: Obsessed with money and possibly only his most recognizable passion besides swordsplay. He often speaks in a calm monotone and seem unaffected by the world around him unless his coin is at stake. He doesn't express alot of emotion as he doesn't see the need to do so, and also believes the more emotion you show, the more obvious your weaknesses become, as he was taught by his Sensei. Most always seeming to remain calm and composed; especially infront of those he considers enemies or strangers. He can come off as emotionless to most who don't take time to get to know him, acting very cold, blunt and cynical paired with a very dry, sarcastic sense of humor which most often times, hes the only one seeming to find funny. He can actually be a bit of a pervert and flirtatious in his own way; though its hard to tell if hes actually being serious or not since he wears such a placid look on his face.

Theme: N/A
Traits: ---


Sexuality: Bisexual
Dere type: Kuudere
Partner/Soulmate: N/A
Friend(s): His sensei
Family: N/A