
4 years, 11 months ago






13th September



Vampire Hunter






Alavir is a Vampire Hunter, who is himself a vampire. At least he is half vampire. His father was a complete vampire who was abusive towards his mother, who wasn't a vampire and who, at this point in her life had nothing to do with vampires at all. Alavir cycles between his normal and his vampire self and with the later being quite problematic for him, as it is really hard for him to surpress the urge to drink blood.

He is one of the best vampire hunters out there and if he has found a vampire he will most likely catch them. Although hates his vampire side he is much better at hunting down vampires if he is currently in his vampire state as his senses are heightened.









  • his mother
  • the adrenalin rush he gets shortly before catching a vampire
  • his successfull hunts


  • his father
  • being a vampire
  • blood

Alavir is quite prideful and thinks a lot of his abilities. He tends to look down on other vampire hunters who use more "outdated" methods to catch vampires. He absolutly adores his mother, who has already died, and wants to avenge her at all costs. He doesn't shy away from using rather malicious tactics to get what he wants and is not known to be kind nor forgiving. He is however quite couragous and would never back down because of fear. He never met his father, but loathes him.



Alavir was born to an ordinary woman. Only a few years after his birth it became apparent that he inherited a horrible fate from his fathers side - he would cycle between his normal form and his vampire form in irregular intervals. This caused him to not be able to have any childhood friends and he needed to hide most of his early life as he just couldn't control himself and it was just too uncertain when the next cycle would beginn. In his teenage years he became curious about his father and even though his mother tried to dodge most of his questions, she couldn't hide everything from him. From there on he loathed his father and his plan to hunt down his own kind festered.

Starting the hunt

With 16, Alavir begann to train. He trained for every possible situation that he might find himself in, when hunting down Vampires. Soon he was pretty good and not much later he found himself to be good enough to start his hunt. The first few attempts were a bit amateurish, with some getting away and some getting Alavir hurt pretty badly. But he didn't give up, got better and better and in a short time he was under the best vampire hunters the world currently posseses. In addidtion, Alavir found out he was much better when his vampire side came out as his senses were sharpened. The only problems being, that he couldn't predict his cycles as well as the general risk of hurting passerbys.


Nowadays Alavir has almost perfected his skills, whith errors being rare and his success rate high. He also worked out some signs to at least mostly predict his cycles, which he uses to his advantage. He also has some connections to the local hospital, where he gets donated blood so he can have more control over his thirst for blood. Even though he is a very skillfull hunter, he doesn't like to hunt with others. He has the feeling they will either drag him down or he will somehow manage to hurt them. He also tends to look down on the other hunters, he finds them too old fashioned and thinks they are not able to adapt to their enemies.


  • He can't control his cycles. In his vampire form, he has glowing, icy blue eyes and his fangs grow a little bit. His fur also has even less colour in that state.
  • He doesn't know how to make friends. He rather categorizes people as allies and enemies.
  • He would love to hunt down his father, even though he doesn't even know if he's still alive.
  • He loves to drink coffee, but has to be carefull to not get sick from it due to his cycles.
  • He knows there are scientists working on a cure for vampires, but he doesn't want to be cured because it gives him an advantage over others.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.