Mary ✧



4 years, 10 months ago






Alignment:Lawful Good
Favorite Color:Yellow
Theme: n/a


  • Close friends
  • Coffee
  • The city
  • Aesthetics


  • Stress
  • Gore
  • Very loud noises
  • Super tall people (they scare her)




She seems like a pretty calm and smart person, witch she for the most part is. She mostly acts this way during school and after that, her job. She has a lot of friends and to most of them she seems calm, collected, even somewhat quiet. But to those she deeply trust she is very loud and all over the place. She loves to play video games with her close friends. She is a very curious person and knows about any rumor or story there is in her city. If she wants to do something she can become very determined to do it, no matter the cost.


      Mary had an alright childhood. Her parents were divorced and she switched between each parent every week, though she didn't mind because they lived close to each other. There was never any arguing in her household, her parents just thought it would be better for her if they split up. School was a little rough because she would get bullied in her elementary years, but kids warmed up to her after a while. After school she went to college for Photography and passed. She works at a office but does photography on the side. Around her work place she heard some stuff about people going missing, mostly smaller ones. She becomes interested and tries to find more information about it. After some research she finds that at least 14 people have been recorded to gone missing  with no traces of where they went. She learned that the majority of them were smaller mammals with few exceptions. She knew just about everyone, though she didn't know who the potential killer might want. So for a while she would watch her smaller friends closely, but didn't find anyone suspicious. A month or two later one of her close friends have gone missing, they were also quite popular in the town so everyone was scared, and worried. She thought enough was enough and decided that she needed to find out who was doing this. She convinced some people to be a bait for the potential killer, nothing came from this. Though she did start to notice some of her friends becoming acquaintance with someone she didn't know. They would explain that they were a deer with brown and have spotted patterns. They often wore green, and used sign language. She's never seen or heard of this person before this, and had a weird feeling about them. Another month went by and another one of her friends have gone missing, as bad as it sounded she wanted another one of her friends to go missing, too see if they both talked about the deer. She heard about nothing for a while, and thought that maybe it was over, she never heard anything for 8 months, till one more friend went missing and they knew the deer. This is when she had a very bad feeling about this person, and asked one of her friends to introduce her to them, and they agreed. They all met up in a coffee shop and she almost felt afraid around the deer, and not only because she was very tall. She found out that her name was Eve, but other than that they didn't communicate very much. All of Eve's focus was on her friend, but Eve would glance at her at some points. Her friend said that they were planning to hang out at Eve's house. Mary felt uneasy about this and talked to her friend. They set a plan where if things start looking strange, or anything. That a camera on the friend's glasses would record everything, and Mary would be able to see everything. Mary looked on her phone when her friend went to Eve's house, but didn't see anything strange other than all the plants in the house. Though as soon as her friend was going to leave, Eve grabbed the glasses and the screen went black. Mary started to panic and saw the address so she practically ran over there. But when Eve opened the door nothing seemed strange. She questioned Eve but didn't get any answers so she just left. Mary went to the police the next day and they said that they'll investigate the house and talk to Eve. A few days later she asked if they found anything but they said that she seemed normal. She still does work and photography but whenever she can, she investigates this case but never found anything that could make Eve suspicious to the police.


  • She hopes to have a family in the future
  • She loves coffee and tea
  • She doesn't talk a lot at work 
  • She's never dated before
  • Likes photography 

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