


5 years, 8 days ago


"To victory or death."


TL;DR early life:
1. Mentor trying to fix shit was killed and gibbeted onto the cathedral walls
2. For decades, imprisoned and forced to write countless copies of corrupted scripture to be spread to other incoming members
3. Escaped onto a ship and drowned with other travelers
4. Travelers are stuck in the scary plane of existence; the scary plane self-implodes itself with scary stuff
5. Transported to a plane of existence that is still terrible but there may be hope
6. Theres a very bad disease going around
7. Shush is going to try and find a cure for these people while we vanquish the bad guy
8. Shush is instead in charge of burying the dead, and rallying village residents who the night before was massacred en masse by said scary beings.
9. Some campaigns later Shush is at the bottom of an abyss in some strange library with endless knowledge and the disease she promised to cure. Good luck buddy

Shush is an cleric acolyte imprisoned by her church, exploiting her abilities as a scribe to produce copies of doctored holy scripture. (insert other backstory that I do not feel like writing/is relevant).

In the campaign, she escapes her imprisonment to find a “pure” copy of her scripture, of which has either been tainted by her hand, or burned by members of her church. Upon traveling to find salvation, she and a group of travelers drown together, and are sent to another plane of existence overrun by man-eating amalgamations of flesh and limb. We have been playing this campaign since about 2018, and despite our best efforts, not once have we been able to save a plane of existence from impending massacre…

In the current play-through (and where we left off), Shush was separated from our group of vanquishers as she was thrown into the abyss by one of the mobs we were fighting. Some exposition later, she’s in this endless library, where this unusual, powerful being directed her to become knowledgeable in everything if she is to return to her group. Also, she is sick with the world’s incurable plague, which continues to rot her from the inside out as she makes her studies to save her people.