


4 years, 11 months ago



Name Otto
Species Common Mignyan
Age 21
Height 5'9
Gender Male Aligned
Pronouns he/him
Orientation bisexual
Relationship Status taken
Occupation Broke College Student

Masterlist MYO #242
Designer susling
Worth $15 myo







Previous to Infection

Otto's crab had no real ambitions to fully participate in the invasion simply because it seemed like an overhyped drag. Of course, being a Mignyan it was his duty to further the Mignynan race and with that he had to infect an unsuspected earwig named Otto. Otto, previous to infection, was a smart, inspired earwig who was starting his medical career at a community college. Otto aimed to become an otolaryngologist (mouth throat ear doctor) to combat stereotypes for earwig-kind. He had a lot of connections and even a girlfriend attending his first year of college. However, all of this would come crashing down when he discovered the existence of a strange alien creature. Otto's host became immediately obsessed with these "meatcrabs". His obsessiveness would eventually lead to his infection.


Nauseated and disoriented, Otto steps outside for a breath of fresh air. Or rather, steps out to barf up his insides. While Otto stared down at his own vomit the Mignyan hops off of the curb to pry its way through Ottos's ear. After it's host writhes in pain for a moment the Mignyan takes full control, walking him away from his friends at the party and to a trash dump. "Where do people sleep again? Dorms? This is like a dorm right?" And for about a week Otto went missing until returning smelling like he'd just rolled in sewer water and skunk piss.

Post Infection

Otto returned to his college with a new additude it seemed. The mignyan decided this guy needed a break, which did not sit well with his roomates who were now becoming fed up with Otto's dirty clothes and unfinished pizza lying around. Otto had officially become what a lot of his old college friends described as "a huge dick". He was kicked out of his dorm room and paired with a different set of suitemates and lost his girlfriend over his new dickish, college hooligan addictude. However, this was no skin off of the earwig's nose. Otto decided it was best he changed his major from medical to arts and would essentially start his credit system over. From all of the schollarships and financial aid recieved Otto could be in college for a long time if he wanted to.