Captain's Comments

Hi, I’m not sure if they are off limits from your purge but I could offer anyone in ? They have a lovely design :3

I didn’t see anyone I would trade for em but Ty for le intreast!and everyone in market and tent are always ufo^^

Hello are you interested in trades or art for this guy?

I'm willing to offer 3 halfs, 2 busts and 4 heads! And a character or two from my sale folder

Yes ofc I could 100% trade them!!

Perfect ill transfer this fella over to ya! 


I love this guy!  I could offer 10$ and anyone here, or even multiple characters if needed^^

Hi! I saw your proof of trade, He isn't a waterdog, or a canine either, he's a Clolion which is a closed species of mine haha, Based off lions and the water like texture is actually how I rendered galaxy patterns back then haha.

edit: here's the current info on them if you were curious. He's got mythical trait leg cuffs which is the combo of the cloud and the milky way paws on the back so they arent really in that guide much