


5 years, 20 days ago


A happy and excitable guy, Frisk loves making friends and is incredibly outgoing. A wellspring of positive energy around others, but he can also be somewhat of a nuisance since he hates being alone. A bit like a puppy that tries to follow you home, except he loves complimenting you instead. His complimenting nature can get him into trouble, as most people take his compliments as some form of flirting. He's been chased off by flustered strangers on more occasions than he'd like to admit. Incredibly loving and loyal, with an unfortunate self depreciation and tendency to be self sacrificial. Proficient in skateboarding, close combat and swordplay, he's a strong man hidden under all that fluff. 

He suffers with severe depression from the trauma of seeing his parents crushed in a landslide, but keeps his positive attitude turned on at all times around others. For his sake, and most of all for his sister's sake as he had to take her in after the landslide. The two of them have traveled far and wide, while Frisk takes care of them and tries to find a more permanent place for them to settle. He can come off as a bit of an idiot in his excitement for things sometimes, but generally his improvising skills can get him out of things fairly well and hopefully unscathed.