
5 years, 3 months ago












Marital STA





24 yrs.



Human/Elf hybrid.





Fenris (half-brother).                                         
After the Storm

Physical Description

      Pointed ears, scar over his eye (the only serious scar he's ever gotten), pale blonde hair (style changes),                      orange eyes, pointed incisor teeth, thin frame but fit enough to wield a weapon.

Mental + Emotional

Generally soft spoken, but not afraid to stand up for himself. Although he knows his limits well. He's quiet about certain things but is honest about most, in an attempt at good communication. He's restless though, unhappy without a reason to be doing anything. There is no place for someone neither human nor elf.


Typical accent of the region. Speaks only the regional standard. He is very well spoken though.


Capable of reading, writing, swimming and horse riding; he possesses unusual skills for his lonely and poor upbringing. He wields a lightweight sword with some impressive skill and is proficient at archery. Although his greatest talents lay in socialization and academic studies.


Fenris - half brother; while Safis has tried very hard to get his brother to be fond of him, he has no idea if he succeeded. He will always love Fenris, despite their wildly different upbringings. He hopes beyond anything that he hasn't brought more stress to his brother's life.
Lemvin Pivell dear friend; though the two haven't spoken in years, they used to travel together. They now have no knowledge of where life has lead either of them.


Safis has no memory of the place he was born, nor his true parents. His earliest memories reveal a glade between rolling hills in the grasslands. Likely, Ferelden. There was a man who traveled with him for some time. No real name ever heard; Safis called him "Ero," at the man's request. He remembers him as the only father figure he has ever known (it's uncertain who this man was, as he was a human and looked nothing like him). But he disappeared from his life sometime when he was nearing the age of eleven. In the dark woods, he left to gather firewood and never came back. Safis knew how to survive well enough to satisfy his basic needs, and then learned through experience how to gain helpful friendships as he got older. Several times as a very young man, he was given the opportunity to live in a home, work like everyone else, and perhaps even have a family. But he declined such offers. There was something in the stillness that made him sick thinking about it. He remembered stories that Ero would tell, though he was a quiet man, he spoke about freedom and the tyranny of certain public figures often. Safis understood little of the subject, but Ero's passion stayed with him in the place of misty words.
While he assumes Ero must have gone off and died (likely an animal attack), he doesn't think about it much anymore. There is a small, black cloud in his place. Deep down inside somewhere, something is amiss. He ignores that and strives to fulfill his daily desires with a more positive energy than was ever shown him. It does no one any good to dwell on those things. After all, everyone has suffered a tragedy at least once. He is not special in that regard.
As time crept up to him, he found that he was 23 years old. He'd discovered from an old friend, that he may have a brother out there in the world. Excited to know someone that was truly his blood, he set out to find him. He did it in just a year, after hearing the famous story of the Hawkes. Champions of Kirkwall. It was clear that one of his companions matched the likeness and history of the man his friend had described. When he arrived to the city, he was able to convince Fenris of the truth fairly easily. Safis ended up spending over a year in Kirkwall with his new brother. Their relationship was strained, however, and it caused Safis a lot of doubt about his life choices. Ultimately, he loved Fenris. But he could not stay in the black city. It was dark, miserable and stagnant. Leaving behind just a letter explaining himself, he took off again for Ferelden. He hopes to return to Kirkwall before the year is over.


"I am but the soul inside the body, seeking feeling, only perceiving. My vessel is not myself. When the blight of this mortality is over, I will move on to the colors of all I loved in life. Death naught to be feared. The unknown, just the shadow of great trees where the physical must take rest. I am more." -- Excerpt from Ero's journal, sewn into the leather of Safis' own journal. (It remains a personal mantra.)

Loyalty Mission

To earn Safis' loyalty, you must show him that you are highly honorable. Despite his polite demeanor, he does not trust easily and isn't afraid to abandon your cause for another. His great knowledge of the land, the people, and his studious nature could prove very useful.
To earn his heart, however, a far more difficult task. Honor alone is not enough. You must be attentive, you must be intelligent, you must be forthright and kind. He does not find acts of bravado, trickery or crudeness to be attractive. Any disapproval over 5 points will determine that you are not a romantic factor in his life. 


Items of great sentimental value to Safis are often found in his travel bag or on his person. He's very cagey about his personal items though and won't let you see them unless you gain his loyalty first. Even if he thinks honesty is important, he's not willing to expose his most important feelings to people he isn't sure he can trust. Do not ask about his scar. Immediate +1 disapproval. You can undo this by immediately apologizing and not mentioning it further.
Safis isn't fond of physical touch, and shows his affection in other ways. This is most frequently suggested in sincere compliments, gifts, and acts of service. If he's running around completing tasks for you, you must mean something to him.

"There is a destiny which makes us brothers; none goes his way alone. All that we send into the lives of others comes back into our own." --Edwin Markham

