
7 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info


Stubborn, Energetic, Slightly flirty/show off, Reckless, Mischievous, Explosive


Sin/himself, loosing or injuring his only family which is his twin, heights.



Random Fact

He finds decapitation hilarious


For info on his brother, read description here:




(aka Michael, he does not like to go by his past name) He usually has good intentions though tries to accomplish them in a reckless and chaotic manor. He has a bit of an anger problem and can be pretty easily irritated, he tries to control himself though, since he does know he can go to extremes in times of rage, it is not easy for him to control it though, but he tries. When he's in a good mood, he can be a very laid back and tamed guy, though he does unnecessary comments and jokes that..barely anyone likes .. ||D
Behind his eye patch is his gift and his curse, also the reason for his nickname , the covered eye has the power to decay anything and anyone he stares at with it for long, he tries to utilize it as less as he possibly can since it can also damage the skin/face surrounding this eye, it is like a weapon with a backfire/double edged sword. Inside him lies a character named Sin, planted within him as a child by David, also known as Spade, (his twin brother carries Virtue). It is thought that his recklessness and moral confusions were a side effect of Sin. His weapon of choice is an axe that is joined to him in spirit (It is connected to Sin who lives inside him, so he has control of it), he can call forth his axe at any given moment or situation. In battle, his strength is his best quality, his worst is the lack of intelligence, he can be considered what most call a "berserker" in battle. Though do to the Sin within him, the only weapon that can KILL (he can feel pain and be hurt but will recover within time, depending how bad the wound) him is the weapon of he who carries the Virtue (do to his darkness, only light can destroy, and vise versa), aka, his twin brother, Dismay, who's weapon of choice is his chainsaw.
Decay is the ringleader (alongside his brother Dismay) of the Nightmare Carnival, located in the Limbo, a place where spirits go to get judged and "move on" to either Heaven or Hell, Decay usually takes care of the more mischivious spirits that are most likely to go to Hell, Nightmare Carnival isnt a place spirits MUST go to, but they serve the purpose to speed up the moving on process so the Limbo doesnt get over populated.

- Skin is a darkish Grey, NOT LIGHT GREY, thats his brother! D:
- He CAN be drawn without a hat
- He's a show off with his body, so nudity and no shirt is common and ok xD Same with gore
- He ALWAYS wears the eyepatch
- He has a diamond on his cheek
- His body type is