


5 years, 20 days ago


Name: Kyosuke

Age: 17

Level: Scholar

Class: 3-2

Grade: Technically 2nd year

Dorm: Basset

Dorm Advisor: (The person who lives in the dorm with the students and is basically their nanny)

Club: Kendo, Mathematics

The son of Alumni from after the school turned into a reform academy, Kyosuke comes for a very volatile household. Despite all the schools attempts, his father never really got anywhere in life, and seemed to bounce back to crime and poverty no matter how many times he seemed like he had almost made it out. Kyosuke’s mother was a meek woman and a career criminal who always seemed to find herself back and forth between the home and jail before finally moving up to try and take on the higher classes, leaving Kyosuke alone with his inattentive father. In order to try and seek some degree of comfort, Kyosuke took solace in his schoolwork and the sanctuary school provided, becoming an exceptionally hard worker in the process. His life revolved around study and jumping between friends’ houses in order to avoid having to deal with his father, and he was determined to do whatever it took to make something of himself, something his father had failed at doing previously. When Kyosuke was invited to attend Nekokaburi academy, he was skeptical. After all, look at what had become of his father. However, he also saw it as a chance for change and helping make a difference in the system that had previously failed his family. Though remaining somewhat skeptical, Kyosuke accepted, figuring he wasn’t going to get anywhere without jumping at some risks.

Kyosuke had always been the quiet sort, even as a child. He figured it best to remain silent rather than face the wrath of others for speaking out of turn. Because of this, he never really had the opportunity to properly socialize and this tends to reflect on his rather harsh personality. Hes a very serious young man and gives 100% in everything he does, believing there is no room for slacking if one is to accomplish their goals. He is extremely intelligent and seems to spend all his time in study. He speaks in very polite manners and tends to be rather stiff about a great many things, often acting very cross. He does, however, get flustered somewhat easily when confronted about his personality. Despite a rather stern and rough exterior, Kyosuke cares deeply for not only his grades and well-being, but for those around him, often trying to offer up what knowledge and assistance he can to those around him. He can be rather harsh towards his friends, but only because he means well in the long run, and doesn’t want his friends to suffer as he has.


-He uses the Kendo club to relieve any stress he might be pent up with

-He tends to get on his roomates cases more than anyone, but has a strange weak sport for Kamin

-He organizes most of his dormmates things because they generally don't do things how he likes it. Helps keep their work in order

-He tends to butt heads with Takuma, often pressuring him to take work more seriosuly

-Everyones tutor honestly

-He shares a class with Koemi, and refuses to let her walk to or from class by herself purely because of his skepticism about the school's population

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