


5 years, 6 days ago



Murat Bayraktar
African Wilddog


Apperance: Wears caps most of the time, shaved sides,beard and moustache, medium length tail, orange/yellow eyes, short claws, big round ears, likes to wear chains, a little pudgy, strong, wide shoulders, 2 scars over his left eye, sharp teeth, mostly smiling, only wears brand clothes, wears a lot of iced out stuff


Murat grew up with a normal turkish family, his parents immigrated to Germany but he was born there. He lived in the middle of Berlin, in a district where the drug abuse rate is the highest in Germany. He grew up seeing junkies every single day, just laying somewhere or even doing drugs right as he walked past them. Even in his house, sometimes when he walked home from school they were just sitting on the stairs. He didn't understand it that much but looking back it was somewhat traumatizing to him cause those people destroyed themselves. When he got older and changed schools he got seated next to an african wilddog who was turkish as well so they became friends pretty quickly. They got into rap and all of that kind of stuff so it didn't take long until they smoked their first joint together. They dreamed about expensive cars and money, both of their families were poor so they could probably never afford stuff like that. Through all that frustration they started robbing people. Random people on the street, mainly in the night, one had a fake gun and the other one had a knife. They made a lot of money like that, especially with phones they got from them. But someday they picked the wrong fight cause the guy who they wanted to rob was almost 2m tall and knew how to fight. The guy held Murat's friend by his arm and almost broke it, Murat didn't know what to do so he quickly stabbed him and ran away with his friend. After that he just slept at his house, he thought he had a friend who's like a brother, he basically trusted him with his life. But after a few days the police caught his friend while Murat wasn't there, so they forced him to tell them everything what happened. A few days later Murat got a letter from the police explaining everything, he didn't know what to so cause something like that never happened before but he was incredibly mad at his friend. He went to his house and ask's why he betrayed him and just didn't give a fuck about their friendship. Murat wasn't the kind of guy to physically hurt anyone but he thought to himself, if I go to jail then cause I stabbed 2 people not 1. After that he changed schools and thankfully never saw him again, he knew that he didn't die tho. Murat was glad he was away but still sad about his betrayal. When the day came to pay his fine and the cop showed up to his house Murat was somewhat lucky, it was a corrupt cop. He told him to give him 8k and he wouldn't mention his case anymore. Since Murat and his friend saved up a lot for a car he handed them to him. After all of that happened his parents kicked him out and said they didn't want to see him ever again. To this day he has no contact to his family apart from his sister. He then just lived with his dealer for a while and also met new friends through him. Him and his friends got bored of weed after a while so they started trying out other drugs. MDMA, Molly, Spice and cocaine. His favourite was cocaine. He slowly started quitting most of the drugs he took,but he's still struggling with cocaine, tho he tries to only take it once a month. Through his dealer he also met his current boyfriend Zeus who went to Berlin for a rap competition. He wasn't really known anywhere yet but whoever won the competition had the change to get signed by a popular music label. Zeus won and he slowly started making money through his music. Murat's friends convienced him to sell drugs as well cause after he finished school he didn't have any money and he didn't wanna live off his job at a pizza place for the rest of his life. Murat started a pretty good buisness with the drugs, Zeus eventually jionef as well cause he couldn't live off of his music yet.

Current Life

After a year Zeus got enough money to quit selling drugs, Murat still did it for a while but then tried quitting too and moved to Zeus. At the moment Murat didn't wanna admit he's gay yet cause he was very ashamed of it since he was raised religiously. After some time he finally confessed his love to Zeus, so everything's pretty okay in his life now. After taking cocaine he gets depressive episodes, where he sometimes can't even look at himself in the mirror cause he reminds himself of the junkies he saw when he was a kid, wich truely terrifies him cause he told himself that he will never be like them.

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