Sunnysight's Comments

aa i absolutely adore the design! would anyone here interest you?

if not i could offer some art instead?

u have some cute characters but i didn’t see any id use frequently T_T 

but what kind of art/ amount would u offer? sorry late response, u can ping/ msg foolish for quicker if it helps ^_^

ah no worries on the slow response! I could do either 2 headshots or a fullbody for em? feel free to check out my commissions page here for examples! foolish

ooo is there by chance u would be willing to do 1 of the wiggle move icon ….no worries if not! just thought i’d ask ^.^

oo yes I can absolutely do that! are you okay with contacting through discord? foolish

yes! my discord is foolishs whenever u wanna add :D

oh. em. gosh. 

could i add them to my dreamies folder?

sure ^^ idm folder stuff