


4 years, 11 months ago


Mini bio sent to commissioning artist:

Misha/Vesper: 22-23, of Ukrainian descent, cismale. His powers are electromagnetic manipulation (this mainly manifests as his presence messing with electronics), mild telekinesis and one way (broadcast) telepathy. Taller than average, taller than Miro at least. He has a somewhat ragged ring shaped scar around his neck (this is not due to self harm, no worries). His fashion sense is straight outta the nineties, plaids, flannels, combat boots, band shirts layered over stripey longsleeves, that kinda thing (is that what the kids call grunge?). Straight pale/ashy blond hair, but when using powers it gets crinkled upright, pretty much permanently looks permed now. Grey eyes, somewhat deepset. When using his powers, they look flat grey/staticy. His powers often manifest as fluttering, static-like moths, which he’s taken most of his look from. I could see his typical on-the-heri-job dress as being something like: Ragged lunar moth mask (maybe fabric, maybe created from or partially layered over with his manifested power?), Ragged trench coat, Black poloneck bodysuit, Black utility trousers or grey combat trousers, Combat boots (honestly probably the same exact ones he uses normally lmao)? If you can see Pinterest, these are the sorts of colours I see for him. Perhaps harder primary colours. He's an INFP.

Other information (unsorted):

Full name Mikhail 'Mika/Misha/Mishka' Arkadyevich Volkov

Михаи́л Арка́дьевич Во́лков

Favourite music genres are Electro-house/dubstep/glitch (they feel the most like his power to him and are comforting, although maybe other people wouldn't agree that they're a gentle lullaby to get to sleep by) 

Because of the above, likes good over ear noise cancelling headphones 

(but breaks them quite easily, due to his powers, so doesn't often buy the quality he likes) 

Cannot speak out loud, and is not fully fluent in ASL (is trying to learn through classes), can use broadcast telepathy with people in the know but obviously cannot do this without revealing his abilities (this is a source of heavy frustration) so often has to write out or use text to speech 

He is a MSc student on scholarship, studying Materials and Processes for Sustainable Energetics, but also studies optical/molecular/atomic physics for fun on the side 

Thinks that most people would not find this fun (he is right) 

His powers interfere with electronics if he's not careful, they are also somewhat emotionally based 

Is not amazing at controlling his broadcast telepathy, if somebody who is 'attuned' to him (aka had listened to him use it fairly often) they would probably be able to listen very carefully and hear his inner monologue 

This can be embarrassing depending on what's being thought... But people in his day to day life don't really ever see his powers 

He has a fuzzy wavy mop of hair, fairly long 

Gained his powers at ten or eleven 

Gained through forced mutation through pain/sensory deprivation 

Was/is severely epileptic to the point that he is effectively bedbound 

His electromagnetic powers mask this and allow him to lead a mostly normal life 

He would say that prior to gaining his abilities he didn't feel his life was worth living, however is in a good place now 

His parents couldn't afford the best and/or most appropriate treatment for him, tried religious cures/exorcism (he was raised in the Greek Catholic Church rather than the more common Russian orthodox) 

When this did not work they turned to a shady doctor who agreed to treat their son if they would agree to send them to his boarding school 

(he had been scoured as having potential after his brainwaves were recorded, the recruiter had several agents inside local hospitals) 

This turned out to be a facility for inducing powers/mutation through pain 

He survived, became awakened and eventually escaped (and gained his ring shaped scar from blowing an electric lock collar) 

His parents really believe that he was cured and had a good education there before moving on to another institution abroad (a legit facility who found him after he escaped, using his powers to survive on his own) 

One of his greatest fears is somehow losing his abilities/having them suppressed as this could bring out his masked illness 

He does not believe his parents maliciously hurt him, but still doesn't seek out a deep relationship with them 

He has siblings but they are not close as they feel he took up all the time/money/attention in their own childhoods (and as far as they are aware was cured and lived a good safe life abroad) 

He can drive but he doesn't have a car of his own 

Drugs of any kind that that affect the nervous system have an unpredictable effect on him 

Sunburns instantly