


8 years, 17 days ago

Basic Info












Oaklyn's soft in every sense of the word. Fur aside, she's very kind, gentle and soft-spoken. She's also very sensitive and caring, setting her up for sorrow. She's not very good at hiding her emotions and is thus extremely easy to read. However, her mate Oleander does everything in his power to protect her and treat her with care to make sure she's never hurt.

Official Species Info
○ As an avian inspired creature, a Picu's plush coat is primarily made up of downy feathers and soft fur. A large cockatiel-like crest on their head helps them convey emotion, as it can flare forward when happy and alert, or lay flat when angry and sad.
○ They retain a beak-like muzzle strong enough to crush bone, though it is covered in a silky layer of peach-fuzz-fur.
○ Their eyes are usually dark with with bright rings of color, granting them the ability to see a much wider spectrum of colors than humans. Some say their eyes are so acute that they can even see ghosts and spirits.
○ Their tongue are also quite advanced, the muscles stronger than that of any other animal. They can be used to grip and crush roots, and are coated in a bacteria dissolving saliva that helps break down plant materials before they even swallow it.
○ This also aids in finding grubs and insects hidden within the foliage, or even inside trees. Yet their favorite food seems to be sweet fruits, such as grapes, bananas, mangoes, cherries, and especially pears.
○ Generally, Picu's live to be about one hundred years old. The oldest living Picu is said to be well over that, far into their two hundreds, and its believed that with proper care these creatures may be considered immortal.
○ It is considered rare for a Picu to not have some form of stripes or unnatural colors in their coat.

○ Picu's prefer warm climates with longer nights than days, perfect for hunting and basking in moonlight. Though they don't deal well with humidity they enjoy temperatures of up to 90 degrees, and can easily become ill if left in a cold environment for too long.
○ Using their thick paw pads and strong claws, Picu's enjoy climbing and scaling anything in sight. Trees make for perfect playgrounds, and roof tops are great for surveying their territories.
○ Despite their adventurous attitudes, Picu's will gladly choose a warm sleeping place above anything else.
○ Picu packs can grow to be as large as 50 members, each able to co-exist without the need for leadership or dominance.

○ A Picu is a very prolific creature, able to breed an infinite amount of times during their life. It usually only takes about a month for their young to fully mature, and by then they are able to breed again.
○ While they do not need to mate for life, many prefer to do so, and can even have twins or triplets if bred to the same partner multiple times.
○ A Picu pup is born completely blind and deaf, about the size of a hamster. By day five their eyes open as well as their ears, and they will be covered in a fluffy layer of protective feathers. By day ten they have reached their teenage stage, and are then able to begin walking and eating more regular food. By day fifteen they are able to talk and can begin finding food on their own, this is also when they will molt their awkward feathers and begin growing out their normal fur. By day thirty, they will have learned everything they need to live on their own, though many prefer to stay within the safety of their parent's pack.